The road signs banned the motels, campsites and car services

Rothodarett published another host with the requirements of new road signs. The ban on the ban on hotels, motels, campsites and car services. According to the representatives of the tourism industry, such information is important for drivers against internal auto-uric. Expert believes that Lost developers have introduced a ban on “conflicts”, because the private business in areas often advertised its substances in the expense of the budget.

The Rostanding Database is published by a new version of the Database 52290-2024, which records the design and coverage of the road and cover. Standard must be mandatory from 2026, but there is a right to apply it in areas – instead of the old standard 5229-2004.

Earlier, as “deaf, Snow”, “Bald”, “Crossing”, “Parking” symbol and the “parking” sign and the way it can be used today.

New Gest 52290 is a technical character, but the comactor found a curious upgrade in it. In symbols, 6.9.1, 6.10.1 (green, white and blue backgrounds indicate the information on green, white and blue background. The reason for this ban is unknown: No explanations from developers (the document was permitted to refer to the direction of the museums, monuments, ponds and hippodromations.

Alexander Explanti Supports the center of the Probectorcette Shamsky.

Any commercial information should be abandoned by road signs, “he said,” it should not be deviated to the drivers. Moreover, everything is navigators. ”

“This is a stable idea,” Vice President of Tour operators Sergey Romompten Estor. “We need to simplify the road that is required by the development of road tourism, including the hotels, is working on this job. There is a special program to develop roaded infrastructure, which is likeness and their part is road signs.

“I think it was released from the standert as” A private business is already advertised. “Mr. Romashkin suggests.”

When the linguists have “agree with local road workers, Caterkeomoth, Srematov’s coordinator is Peter Srematov.

“There are many such signs,” he says. “Such signs are indeed, certainly, sometimes they are very serious. For this reason they decided to remove the potential throughout the area, and they decided to give up the sights and museums.

You can find a lot of companies on the network, yellow or green in the network, which advertise in a particular sign of green, it is placed from the bottom of the official “tablet. This is not officially reciprocated.

The traffic policies is checking the pure and marking marks and the host. In the case of violations, the road organization can be fined in the past. 12.34 Administrative Code Code 300 Thousand Rubiles. State Duma plans to increase the best anniversary, the bill passed the first reading.

Evan Buranov

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