The Federal District Government (GDF) will provide a host and social assistance to people who were placed in 16 different addresses in north wing. The works of this work on Wednesday (12) and Secretary (SS-DF), Public Security (SSP-DF), Public Security (SSP-DF), SSP-DF), SSP-DF), Civil Polics, Military Fire Department, Civil Police, Military Fire Department.
The legal DF will break the legal DF with an illegal people and the regular site mentioned by the resident of the resident. Second of the second, the government will adopt individual effects to invest within 60 days, and the responsible person does not have any price. Select this will send homeless people to participate in other folders such as SES-DF and SEDET-DF.
In the week, the social approach was introduced in a former career and mapping public people in the course of the week, mapping the public, and their needs.
Check points to the work in northwalk.
⇒ 306 NORT
⇒ 411 In the north (behind the gas station)
• the northwing Regional Hospital (HRAN)
Preventing 7110/711 and 910/911
⇒ SMI, extempt 2, and behind the yard club
⇒ By N2 near the 5th police station
⇒ Semen quadruary 3, near blood center
^ SHCN Quadra 703, near Brazilia’s Military College
⇒ w3 North, near the Attackedi
⇒ DF-004, in front of North Deck
⇒ N4 Leste and Egun 601
Brazil behind 201 and Banco
⇒ Sagan 607 and L3
⇒ Sgen 610 and L3 Nort
⇒ S Gun 612, l3
⇒ 507 North and the BRB agency behind the BRB agency.
* With information from the urban Order Protection Secretariat (DF Act)
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