The real trail for security is betting in peace | The future planet

The world is facing the world last decades: most conflicts from World War II. We crossed the shameful record Over 120 million people were forced to leave houses. The climax of the weather emergencies is ruined, and the feminininsides and women’s rights indicate many places, rights and identity and death of harassment. In addition, the US Co-operative Agency and the US Co-operative Agency, its results, its results, especially in such important matters, especially with HIV, Prevention and Maintenance of such important matters.

It is necessary to bet in the atmosphere of these characteristics, but is not compatible with competisation, but by man’s rights, peace and mentality.

The purpose of the Pedro Gozing Purpose intention to increase military expenditure by 2029 by 2029, which motivates us to give us the alert voice. In the first place, the situation is a big difference in the event of international development cooperation, which is achieved a two-year ago in 2030s. One year, within a year, the rise is up to 4,000 and 5,000 million to Europe, which is exceeding 3.8 billion, Spain currently for a form of effective development.

Second, some questions that make some questions have been reduced from the social policies that guarantee human rights: If there is money for military expenses, and why do you fund the provisions of the Co-operative Act of the Co-operative Act? 2030 If government statements are performed in the agenda’s defense, how is this commitment to believers in accordance with the fulfillment of sustainable development goals? Selection should be very clear: This is to choose between war policies or policies that cause peace.

Definitely change

Spain can change the course. This is about the prevention of the protection of the Peace of the Peace of the Place of Democratic Levels. Speaks of impacts, rights, respective work, equality, health, housing, home, hygiene, social protection or peace. They are essential problems to strengthen human security and stop conflict. If there is any decades in any cases, it is its effectiveness in this regard, so it is necessary to strengthen much more than ever.

The next June Ivi Development is funding the enhancement of the international community (SESSID) of international development cooperation in its website, and this story is compatible with a decisions, and the fire of clashes and millions of tensions, in the crisis and millions of tensions. Will be effective of women and boys. We believe that the government is revising its position and progresses progress in the direction that the government is.

This cannot forget that it is not a position in Spain; The recent Militrist drift of the 7-member country takes the drift of the member, it spent the military and the commission was supported by the Commission. Emergency is an urgent terminated by this trend. The Spanish government should defend a European Union based on the respect of democracy. Adding military tactics that add more damage and suffering, it will either be an option for Spain or in Europe or the world. Today, it is time to grow collectively more than ever. It’s time to cooperate.

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