The leading politician, the leading politician, the leading politician, the leading politician, has changed, since it became changed. According to the German Bose, the Hertwa is an additional problem to be able to do contacts as a Russian opposition. “He had good contacts in Moscow” – a Bandostag MP defends himself.
“Frankfurtrert describes the matter in All Jomine Soltereg”, which is a briefly appointed Konstantina K. K. Signed agreement signed They insisted Russian to make contacts with Russian opposition They oppose the Vladimir Putin regime abroad.
K. These circles need to be well known – steps he writes and he was able to keep in touch Michael ChodorkorcCCOne of the most prominent opponents of Put.
CDU politician CDU politician CDU, followed by the influence of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Heart in connection with Russian and introduced a deceased situation. Christian hitting and asked the service to examine his credibility. He heard in reply in Russian “Does this have to do with FSB”, but it doesn’t have to be a problem. However, one year, K. K. K. His job relationship will expire by 2024. From that moment to the Constantin K.
According to the proclas, K. During 2014-2016, he worked for the “November Organization”, which was responsible for the President’s Government Relationship with AbecasiDisconnected from Georgia and a major importance of the Cremlin Imperial area.
Worked in colleagues and youth organizations The Russian government regulates. As part of the adversaries of the Adenar Foundation, K. Conducted an active part. Witnesses of his action as a social and easily placed contacts. He often went to Germany and participated in the meetings and participated with representatives of the Russian civil society. The spokesman declared the spokesman for the Russian opposition leader of Chodorkovsky’s leader and the past of the guilty, and he and his companions declared They were careful in the conversations.
In the second phase. The chance to enter German parliament “2024 end at any time. German daily calling corruption in the daily day: There was a man with FSB associated with the FSB and thank you Russian authorities can get information about Russian opposition information about the contacts of Parliament.
Kr to mitigate a little bit more at the nightmare “Claims that there is no access to the given parliamentary office and billaaster.” At the end of 2024, the final influence was lost, but he was organized by the conference of the conference conference. The strategy of the Limasol-based “Case Center for Answell is referred to the strategy of the Limasol-based” Case Center for answell in Cyprus.
Depending on the steps, the dwarf never wanted to comment on the relationship with Ku.