The presidential election election elections in the remote-candidate Georgsk

After the cancellation of elections last autumn presidentship, Celline Georges’ candidate refused to a new ballot scheduled in May.

According to the election Commission’s verdict in December, the “Candidate does not meet the provisions of the legalism, because he broke a separate and impartial democracy rules.

The social network was condemned in the Pollesh, 62, 62, 62, 62-year-old candidate and 40% of voting purposes. “Europe is now a dictatorship and a dictatorship of Romania,” he added.

After the exclusion of Georgesbook, hundreds of performers gathered in front of the electoral commission in the Bucharist, “Did you downto the dictatorship”.

After some initial encounters, after some initial encounters, the Election Commission has been worried after publishing the reasons for its decision.

Police have used tears tears to scatter the crowds in launching bottles and fireworks. Two agents were injured.

Those who are famous for a few weeks before the vote, won 23 per cent of the first round of the President of Nov 24.

After a few days later, the Constitution Court election was announced that some records were announced in detail.

On February 26, the prosecutor was confessed, “For the wrong pronouncements and other allegations that follow the election campaign and assets.

Support of Trump Administration

Georgsk is a difficult place to EU and NATO.

After the Ukraine attacks, his climb was raised by strong concerns after the Atlantic Alliance has changed.

However, Georgsk can be regarded as the support of the Elon Casskin and Vice-SDS and Trump Administration.

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