Yesterday bike was stolen from speaker SSC Napoli, Daniel Desibel Bellini. Bellini was wanting to thank the same day to Bellney Social Profiles to tell Episode.
Theft of the motorcycle, one Honda Africa twinHappened in the daylight Piazza Dealy Artsisti Un ShivamNawoolittan neighborhood. It was found from about 1:00 at night health care From a steering wheel Now the second section of the police headquartersI, damaged, antifit antifite but returned to the legitimate owner.
New Year in Isaiah, parties of square and events: DJ when DCBAL Bellini
• I want to express my most sincere gratitude and respect for the state police for the extraordinary work found my bike, and stole yesterday Piazza Dealy Artsisti A Napoli In the broad daylight light. Manager Vice Questor Dr. Vincensenso All the staffs of the police. Thank you for your daily commitment to see justice and the legalism. You wrote the precious mention of all citizens Law speaker In his profile.