
In addition to previous statements, that is the Philippines Behind the world average As for internet speeds, the country is also lagging in the network based on Opanicken Worldwide Network Excellence Index.

The best code for the global network is a comprehensive ranking system that estimates mobile markets worldwide by analyzing the major optimal operating quantities of 4G/5G, the best standard quality and the 4G and 5G download speeds.

The Philippines ranks 72nd in the rankings for the network specialty, which is behind many Asian countries. In comparison, Thailand and Indonesia are ranked 62nd and 58th respectively and Vietnam and Malaysia are 45th and 37th respectively. Singapore ranks 15th and Taiwan is 7th.

When you look at the speed of download, the 4G average in the Philippines is 23.1Mbps, and it is 150.1Mbps for 5G. This means that the Philippines goes behind Japan’s 153.6Mbps, which is based on 4G speeds – followed by Thailand behind Thailand, which has an average download speed 23.6Mbps.

These innovations show that the Philippines should be caught when it comes to mobile connectivity, especially because the Philipinos are on average 8 hours and 52 minutes on an average of 8 hours and 52 minutes on various devices.

Delgos recently improves their services: Apart from the 5G Home Wi -Fi offerings, they also focus on improving the 5G infrastructure – smart and DNT are doing them with them 5G maximum service.


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