In Indonesian Parliament Complex Coordinates Fever DPP Pan Salkifly Hasan (3/15/2025).
The Indonesian Parliament Complex had a social activities called Senayan, Senayan, Senanan, Senenhanman mosque. In the event, 3,000 food packages were distributed to various beneficiary groups.
The Chairman of the Pan DPR RI section, said, “Ramadan was the right moment to strengthen the meaning of strengthening the meaning of the solidity of the solidarity. So, the pan was carried by a social service and targeted those who deserve to help.
“Ramadan teachs us about sharing and caring for the Holy Monthly monthly. Peti said we appear Saturday.
MPP Pan Salkifle Hasan (SulChus) Chairman of the Chairman (Sulhas) should be distributed to relatives who need a lot of riches. It is a form of training on the advice of Islam.
“Emptimendant means sharing with brothers and sisters, we should share with my brothers. Because we teach that we are brothers, we’re like a body.
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