Andrea Semblio37 years old, The murder of the murder of Chiara Poggy He entered Mondellobello in Milan and entered 9.30 To make DNA check (After it refuses to manually) In the order of judicial authority. The segment of the workers did not run around the journalists and difficulty with carabileyer until taxi.
His lawyer and masmo Lowatti after himHe stopped briefly to inform journalists and looks uncomfortable with the questions asked. In particular, he rejected the new comparison of old findings “but not found” but not found “,”
“The 2017 survey was a topic, it was a defense mix“Love added.
Receipt keeps “old stuff” for a year, refuses to make the DNA inspection of the pagi home.
“Did not underminant experimental experiment – He said – Because we need an inquiry order.
The receipt saved a year: “Then it fade:” But it’s all striving, and it’s all overrighted everything. In the end of the “Machination”, he stated: DNA was selected“.
In the office of a Guarantee’s office, new investigations will be revived in Alberto Stazy and reinforce all the hints of developers in Alberto Stazy. The signs found, especially in the crime, many times, and many times, they will be more “unknown”. In other things, years ago, the second profile of DNA was not possible in the nails of Chiaara.
Meanwhile, Karabiniari not only Meeko, but also the other friends in the group that the Andrea was part of Severor. The Marco Pogi, who reported the newspapers, has heard yesterday. As soon as we learn, the investigators went to his house, here the man stays. As part of the investigation, the crime was part of a collection of crime, the victim, who knowled the victim, the victim and the victim was part of Andrea Semരിo. All people heard in the past will be reconciled.
Video The matter of Chiaara Poggie, his brother’s friend sought
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