4.4 Following the huge earthquake of great earthquake felt in the night, the night of fear, and the other three shocks. Street, debris and damaged cars, people in a person who saved a person who protected. Schools in Polecoli, Bagnoli and Fuerigroota have closed schools.
Firefighters: 40 Permanent Examination was held in Bagnoli and Posulio. To implement 70
After the shocking in 1.25 tonight, a morning of mornings in the sea, one morning in the sea is implementing crises in the sea, Backnoli and Poswoli, 70 need to implement 70. In individual reforms from individual reinforcement of Naples 6 of Naples 6 of Naples’
Council for Naples, Infrastructure
“A very important blow. In contrast to Naples. In short, the injured is a test. In short,” the “is a test.
“Municipal, local civil protection and the National Machine: Waits of the X municipalities for Cosenza checks.” We will never leave it. But when the resurrection of the Bhadius, we should dance … What is important “, he concludes,” he concludes.
State Railways: Slowing the circulation in Naples’s node, high speed, intersity and regidential delay until 40 minutes
Passvoli and Naple Campa Fruit have been suspended between the Earthquake, recorded at night. This is explains that circulation is slowing down the circulation of the VI Naples Lyrics – Seleroli, Monte Dell Wesweo, Tomatici and Naples – Temiceau, Casinician and Casinician. High speeds, intercity and Regional trains can be recorded for 40 minutes.
Naples’ Prefect is at the meeting of the rescue operation center
Naples and Michael D Bari were bowled out to a meeting of the rescue center. The meeting is scheduled to be scheduled in the Prefecture at 9 am. In 10, the prefect will be held a press point.
Palaso Chiti
Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, the evolution of the situation in the situation, the evolution of the situation is following the area of Flit. The President and Palaso Chiggi are known in a note in a note, undercreciative alfredo Manoovo, Nello Civil Protection Department, with the civil protection department, with the civil protection department, with the civil protection department.
Schools also closed in X municipalities in the polls. Open in Bakoli, Monte D Pres and Quartu
Naples signed by a recently held Kysikka Shock “on March 13, March 13, a recent municipal website. Cultural Center.
The schools will be different in the school. The first Citizenshan Jose Gerardo is writing in the word of Ragion on Facebook. “We have completed the checks in the Bakoli schools. The results are the safest buildings in our city. So we want to give it to the night. We want to provide a testimony to citizens.
Regular lessons in all schools in quarto Floggro this morning. Antonio or Sabino communicates a steady conference of the municipal operatuation to monitor the aphids of Prefector, Civil Protection and Welveian Observatory. No critical problems have not emerged from the findings of Monte D Presidents, so the Mayor writes on Salvator Scoto de Santo, and schools will be held regularly.
Ingw: Except for friendly incidents
“If there is injuries or cracks, the first incident was the first imprisonment of the Bradicians. This was the most important and preliminary event. This is the most important and preliminary event. This is the most important and preliminary event. The subscription of the Napoleon is the most important case. Subul of gas emissions We observe the emissions and will update the image to determine all useful activities.
After continuing the continuous undergoing
6.07 to Schuma Railway Lines and the restoration of Schu. The company announced it. After the shock of 16 4.4 Required checks made: “Thanks to humans who spent all things regularly.
“Limited Damage to hear everywhere”
“A very important blow. In contrast to Naples. In contrast to Naples, a trial of the injury. Schools of X Municipality for Civil Prota, Naples Municipality Declares: “We don’t expect much, but there is something there.” We will never give up this wonderful land – we will never leave it. But we are dancing, we know, “in the NVI sale, or in the intervention, Bagnoli and Agnianano. He concludes.
Prefect: “Many debris and later the full picture of the damage”
Schools in Municipality signed the Naples, Giat or Manfreddi manfreddi to close today’s schools. 10 Bagnolly-Fuerota. Instead, it is open to the other neighborhood of the naples instead. “We can tell the presence of many ruins in the state, but when we have done all the checks, I can say that the collapse of a wrong ceiling.
Posuli’s Mayor: People are still in wait
“They are frainetic hours, but now all the actions of the money are not interested in.” We have only one crash fall through San Jennaro.

Trains: “Broken reduced circulation in Naples Node
Villa Lico-Napoli San Geovanni’s suspended in Barra. Fs writes that in the FS, writing it to the high speed and limitations to 40 minutes and limitations to local trains to 40 minutes.