Atol is a traditional Mexican beverage, which is part of it Gastronomy Before -Hisspanic period. It is based on corn and can be combined with a variety of ingredients such as cinnamon, chocolate, vanilla or fruit.
It is the best choice for breakfast or snack, which is its thick texture and comforting taste. In addition to its delicious taste, there are many Benefits of Taking Atol.
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What is Atol?
Atol is a traditional Mexican beverage that is made of corn dough, water and pyelonsilo. It is usually aroma with cinnamon and vanilla, although there are many variations with different flavors and materials.
With the advent of the Spaniards, milk, refined sugar, spices, aromatic, fruits were added, and the corn dough was replaced with wheat flour or corn flour. Its stability is thick and cream, and it is mainly consumed with breakfast or cold nights, sweet or tamale.
There are many versions of Atol, such as: Vanilla or cinnamon adol (very classic), sabrado (with chocolate), guava atol, strawberry or pineapple (fruit trees), walnut attol or almond and rice and rice and rice.
It is a popular beverage in Mexico and Central America, especially during the Centeria Day or Christmas Inn.
The advantages of Atto
Eating this beverage with moderate and care is the key to gaining its important benefits:
- Natural energy source: It is a complex carbohydrate source, mainly from corn or corn. These carbohydrates provide slow release energy, which means that they help maintain standard blood glucose levels for a long time.
This is especially beneficial for people who need more physical or mental performance, such as students, athletes and workers. In addition, when making milk, Adol also provides proteins, which helps maintain muscle regeneration and maintain the mass.
If the version with natural ingredients and refined sugars is selected, starting the day is a healthy energy option.
- Contribution of vitamin and minerals: Depending on the ingredients used, Adol may be the best source of essential vitamins and minerals for the body. Most important are:
Soccer: If it is made with milk, it provides a good amount of calcium, preventing diseases such as osteoporosis for bone health and osteoporosis.
Hero: Some adolles, especially the facts with purple or amrand corn, prevent the production of iron, red blood cells and prevents anemia.
Vitamins of complex b: These vitamins in corn and oatmeal are essential for energy metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Magnesium and potassium: It is important for muscle function, cardiovascular health and electrolyte balance in the body.
Choosing adol versions enriched by Amaran, cocoa or nuts will further increase its nutritional value.
- Benefits for Digestion: When made with whole grains such as corn or oatmeal, it is a natural source of food fiber. Fiber is important for healthy digestion, which is favorable to intestinal traffic, which helps to feed the microphysyot and helps with nutritional absorption: the healthy digestive system allows the organism to absorb essential vitamins and minerals to the organism.
In addition, adol is an easy digestive beverage, which is best in sensitive abdominal or gastrointestinal recovery process.
- Healthy versatile and options: One of the great benefits of Atol is its versatility. It can be prepared in many ways and adapted to different food requirements. Some healthy options are as follows:
Atol without sugar: It can be mildly sweet with natural options such as fruit, honey, stevia or pyelonsilo.
Adol with vegetable milk: For those who seek lactose options, you can make almond milk, coconut, oat or soy.
Adol with functional materials: To increase its nutritional benefits, you can add superffects such as chia, linasa, pure cocoa or Amarant.
Adol with fruits: Make it with strawberries, guava, banana or apples, not only improves the flavor but also provides vitamins and antioxidants.
Thanks to this type, the adol can be replaced with any food style, such as traditional, vegetarian food or low carbohydrates.
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The dangers of taking adul
Atol is a nutritious and comforted drink, but its excessive consumption or some negative effects under certain conditions:
- Most of the calories and carbohydrates: Traditional adol contains corn, sugar and milk, which is a high drink in calories and carbohydrates. Frequent consumption and not playing with large enough food can contribute to weight gain.
- High glycemic table: Due to corn and sugar, adol can rapidly raise blood glucose levels, which is not recommended for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. If you have diabetes, you can choose with natural sweets such as sugar -free versions or Estevia.
- Possible digestive problems: Some may be lactose tolerant, which can cause excessive pain, gas or abdominal om blackness. Excessive corn consumption can cause digestive heavens for those who are sensitive to this ingredient.
- Some instant or business versions have conservatives, dyes and artificial flavors, which are not as healthy as home -made atl. If you enjoy adul, it is better to consume it moderately and choose home -made versions with natural ingredients and low sugar.
Adol is not only a comforting and traditional drink but also important health benefits. With natural ingredients and healthy options, all ages can enjoy the adul as part of a balanced and nutritious diet.
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