Il DNA This is too much Elasticity Ay Changes The structure of what we thought was: Dollara Too Loss (Removal) Even long scenesAs long as they remain Remain i Essential genes . Navigation From Cell. The largest is the one that shows this ‘Remix’ of genes Humans who have been obtained so far, as a result of a more complex activity Genetic engineering Never done in the human cell lines cultivated Laboratory. As a result, it will help you understand the role of these changes at the beginning of tumors and developmental diseases Released With the Impire College of Import and Harvard University in London in the Science Magazine of the Welcome Sanger Institute.

Researchers remixed the genes of human cells in the same excellent examination Prime Editing.

The first editing of the various cell lines used in the laboratory is in them Introduced A Hundreds of random changes The structure of the gene, or the reverse of the removal, copies and long genetic shots, Obtain It is like this Thousands of people Of Configuration variations of Genes. Then using row techniques, they were administered Explore The Outcome In which ChangesImpact estimation Navigation From Cell. This way they found that they appear Only death They Configuration changes That includes it Loss Of Essential genesi.

Large quantities, especially non -symbolic DNA views, will not significantly affect the exposure of the cells of the cell. The second study has come to such conclusions Released The University of Washington has also used another editing approach on the science of researchers, the human cell lines and the embryo mouse.

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