The Great ‘Ukrainian Dron attack – Ma Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria, World News

According to officials, Ukraine Mosco had targeted Moscow in the massive drone attack on the “advocated 337 young young people across the country.

“The air resistance of the Ministry of Defense continues to dissipate the massive attack in Moscow,” Mare Sergey Sobiyan In Tuesday bought it on Tuesday.

The Kursekya sector scored 126 runs over the Ukraineing Ukraine.

According to the Governor Andrew Vorobiov, a person was killed in the southern suburbs of Moscow and died.

He said that at least seven units in another suburbs in the Southeast, the Dron Debrise is corrupted.

Read this: Three journalists remanded in three journalists for companies with Russia

The attack on hundreds of kilometers from the Ukraine border is ahead of the US and Ukrainian officials.

Ukraine is in the United States with a project with Russia under President Donald Trump to get support from a three-year war.

Last month, the most adults in Saudi Arabia have the most adults, last month, Trumpin’s President Volloiydemier Selzen’s President Volloiydmier Selloysky.

Since Selensaki’s Trustton Down of Self-Selens, the Washington Ukraine is suspended and in the discussion list in the discussion list.

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