According to statistics, the Central Development Control Board (CPCB) informed the National Green Tribunal (CPCB), was suitable for bathing the quality of water in the Great Kumbh.
In the new CPCB report submitted in different days from different places to “Data variables’) Due to the” Data Varibility From various places, the water quality of the overall river did not reflect the water in the overall river. Today India Reported.
The Tribunal’s website was uploaded on March 7, including the Ganga River and five places on March 7.
There are a major variability in various parameters in various parameters in different days, samples taken from different dates from the same place. The same day differ in various places for the samples of the same day, “says the report.
In the amount of oxygen, the oxygen measurement of oxygen levels and sewer pollution in organic matters is the major indicators of water.
An Expert Committee in CPCB “Depthing and Depth of Man’s Depthing, Depth, Depth, Depths and Depthing, Sample, Sample, and Multiple Factors.
“As a result, these values reflect the water quality parameters in the right time and place where these water samples are collected, so do not represent the quality of the overall river in the river,” Report Said to.
In terms of variabling, the water reserves of various monitoring sites of the major parameters is a statistics of different observation situations of the major parameters, according to the report.
“The above-mentioned statistical analysis is also the Ph and P.O.
According to the report, the median FC stood by 1,400, and 100 ml is below the limit. Doc Level 8.7 mg, 5 mg / l is blocked by the Back 2.56 mg / l estimation of Back 2.56 mg / l.
Earlier, the CPCB had informed the CPCB Tribunal through the report that the feces of the prayer in the great son was not compatible with the primary water quality of water.
The Tribunal is prepared on April 7.
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