Italy is difficult to create a career, and you can often find satisfaction with our expectations, in general, there is little confidence in the future of the job: 65% of the employment he did not believe in employment, he was dissatisfied; In the next five years, Italian workers are saddened by avoiding the hypothesis of a status progress. These are some of the data that has been releasedIndigen’s European Work Voices 2022 In 10 European countries, more than 5,000 people were promoted by Kelly services. The purpose of the research: Ask to understand the voices of the workers of almost all economic sectors and to understand the lines of the evolution of work.

The most important data highlighted by research are that workers – at the European level – asking people to improve their whole, and prefer beneficial work: 45% of the interviewers say this (average European data). However, the Italians often have no answer to this ambition: 65% of our companions believe that they do not do the benefit or sometimes this happens only. Based on this particular aspect, Italy is only placed before Portugal in the order of European countries.

But how does satisfaction work?

Interviewers provide symptoms and timely answers: most people are looking for growing, maturity, interacting with others, sharing knowledge, and developing new ideas. However, the benefit work is a unique fact, and it is difficult for companies to take concrete steps to create it. Interviewers of Kelly have declared that the person’s full (45%) is the most important way to provide the meaning of the job, and then engages in projects outside his own special area (25%) (25%).

Like Ken Kelly, we think we are providing companies, which are focusing on growth, providing the opportunity to gain new skills and creating opportunities for cooperation between various corporate sectors. Definitely allow workers to allow workers to create professional and individual conditions – Kelly Services CEO Kristian Salah, CEO of Kelly Services, Christian Salah, we are working in Italy. Persons. We definitely live hard times, but the future of the job has the potential for companies that are ready to speak openly and honestly with the workers who support them ».

Professional perspectives

In terms of professional perspectives, the average levels of interviewers from Kelly research are high in European countries, especially for young people and frealanters under the age of 24. Once again, Italy is once again, for example, compared to the possibility of creating a profession in the next 5 years, its workers will not shine for confidence, which is placed in the last union, which is a significant indicator of the future of true trust.

Always looking at the future, the most important skills indicated by European workers are digital literacy (46%) and emotional intelligence (41%). The future refers to the likelihood of change, and above all, it opens up to skills: the large part of the interviewers see that in the next 12 months, they can change the job to make a standard leap. But in the competition market of skills, is there something that companies can do to prevent the flow of qualified workers?

Work recognizes and rewards the work of working well, guaranteeing the development of workers, so that they increase their skills, to ask what they need to communicate with employees, to promote and confirm a balance between the work and private life in the field of work and the benefits and wages are actually competitive: these companies are important. Some of the guidelines to be considered – adding Christian Salah – at this time the competition is high, but bright workers will always want to work for the best companies. Focusing on employees’ involvement, in their qualifications and development, is more important than all of them, rewarding and recognizing the best jobs and ensuring that leaders will not eliminate the best skills.

Distant work

Another important issue explored by research is about distant work, which affects 39% of workers in countries affected by the investigation, 41% of Italian. In the distance, 57% of workers say they have a better balance between work and private life, and 45% are more relaxed and happy. But 28% of workers say they work for more hours than they do not do in the office and 14% are difficult to split.

So lights and shadows: European working voices 2022 distant job opportunities vary from the country to the country, but the positive effects of the distance work are greater than the negative. Continuing to focus on the benefits to each party: When I spend, the company saves, “says an Italian interviewer.

Therefore, the road to make the job more useful in the distance is: 45% you need better access to remote tools and technologies, 32% of the best online tools to find and control workloads, but work hours and procedures to guarantee adequate leisure time for employees. And 28% of workers’ ideas are careful with the support and resources of mental health.

«It is about recognizing that every worker and every company have different and specific needs. A flexible and forward -beyond attitude beyond prejudices and assumptions is the best way to create a distant job that is good for everyone »Christian Sala.

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