That A project of the nuclear world’s great hope for the world wanted to build six new nuclear reactors. The first of the list is already bad.
Even before concrete is sunken, the site has already studied the MediaPart and Reporter. According to many IDF documents, the head of the project, Civil Engineering and in charge of Civil Engineering and definitely have serious antiquities. It is very bad quality within the norms for this type of manufacturing.
Verbal remedies (BSM) and APM are validated by Mobile Solutions (BSM) and APM validated for EPR, Sliding and sandy grace from sea funds. Before drowning, the structure and quality of this concrete is first tested, then on siteTo confirm the resistance and sustainability.
In October 2025, Penny Nuclear Power Plant site.
However, through the first checks, the Sigmabeton Laboratory for the Eyifask was not the whole structure for the desired criteria for the desired criteria. This mineral elements (more than 70%) should contain a fixed level flint, which causes internal degeneration in concrete, which is cracks. However, depending on the conclusions of the laboratory report, 2024, the aggregates require the display flint charges, 60% 60% of the ADF. “For concrete, our teams worked before the EDF (SA) formulation of EDF (SA) formulation, before it is managed, before control, the tests necessary for the state of the artistic examination, To our questions, answering in more detail.
This is a serious problem because of this stage, at this stage, it is 15,000 concrete cubes, which is a contamination of protection against the flood. Exposed to the sea, and they are prey to water fruit.
Of the Euro, the Euro, the concrete market in EPR, it offers one of the largest projects in Europe. It should be used to make the bike, Nuclear island located not only the reactor building. Two of the future EPRS. Walk with two current reactors and in the banks of the decline in the northern channel. on site« The site comes with a very closed door behind closed doors »The historic pennley describes a technical version of the historical Power Station.
Effage so far away from transparent attempts to conceal this favorernization, which did not perform well in its part. Because the aggressions learned the electrician from their own study to be troubling. Despite the extent of differences, the NDF gave up the NDF Nuclear and Radiation Agency (ASNR) alert. The absence of transparency has annoyed the agency.
Notice the study report and defects about concrete aggregates.
But for EDF, this is: spread and nothing to do. Performance on the distribution site of materials at the end of the controls, then the quality of the Gelly Site, the quality of the Pelly site concrete « ApplicationUnder-based technical features for the construction of the bike ” Will not make a problem.
The businessman started to materialize on 4 March, he added to the Media Sort. However, May the month, however, used the security of security for allowing concrete in the sea water. So the schedule is already shown on the late five months. EDF refuses to the MediaPart to ensure that it is following the scheduled calendar.
Formal requests from ASNR
To protect the future center, it is crucial to the sophistication of the bike, because it is the first barrier in the possibility of flooding. “Pennile APR is the main tools of the main tools for the safety of nuclear plantFor Asenter Reactors, the ‘president of the Permanent Group explains Charles. All nuclear installations in France have protection from flood potential. The principle is to take into account the problem of high water. »»
In 1999, following a very powerful storm of Blirs Power Station (Giron) and destruction of highlighting the flooding, subject to vital pumps and circuits for security. After Fukushima’s accident in Japan, in 2011, “High water theories revised up”.
In our survey, it was discovered in our survey, in the process, in the process, in the process of the 27th of February. They went out with a series formal requests To EDF « Justify “ The mixture of components will be ensured enough to the rest of the site.
Concrete and Plenty of Penley EPR, 19 January 31, 2024.
Concrete is made from different factors: Flint aggregates, cement (steel (Steel (Steel (Steel) and Chemical Advals. This performance is still waiting for ADF, to the construction stage. Decided not to go.
The consequences of this congressful favorable is serious for future APR
Media Sortal questions as differences in the Flint Rat in EPR Aggregates compared to the Force Inn Standers “Love” : “There may be a gap between the technical sheet and the first tests. There is no larger features in such a bit of the manner.
Employee Alerts
We can read it in an internal document in 25 November « These remarkable differences ” Between aggregates and standards « The threshold is no longer possible to respect the value » The flint is provided that EDF has provided technical clocks.
The alarm directly the alarm. In another note on an employee, re-submit the site’s site manager, resembles the liability to transmit these results “Officers” to EDF, in any situation, “Take quarterly samples”.
Always with the construction giant, the second employee raises the need to find other aggregates “Assure that the quality requirements meet. He promises these differences and their consequences, “Evaluate the influence of the deadline” And the planning of the site.
Warning about a meal of concrete defects on November 2024.
But from following its two employees alers, they are about to remove and buried concrete problems or ADF finding will take a delay. This is not until the three months, and 2025, since January 27, 2025, had the results of the 2025th 1825, and the controls of the concrete of the concrete. Egypt did not answer our questions about it.
Two employees who have put on the ban on media party did not want to follow our questions. One of them invited to invite Egypt to leave. When he recruited “His technical skills, normally, regulatory contributions”According to HIS April 2024 Notations, HeWee Put the Closet, A Week After Launching The Alert On Concrete Anomalies. Jean-Pascal Franghus, expressing the federal secretary of the CGT manufacturer, which does not cause the health of this employee, then in sick leave.
“Employees who are cautious about the main issues about the future power plant will be on the site sideDiplors are Trade Unionist. « WeA union should not be a union, if its silence, EDF creates a partner of such activities. Obviously, both of them have not served as a tragedy in the condition, in operation and construction disorders,He concludes.