The first European Union Utraine Vaccines Agraine – UNN

Ukraineers can go to Hungary to Hungary with vaccination certificates to Hungary with vaccination certificates.

Is the photo from the yanosh nmesh

Hungary became the first European Union, who agreed to the Ukrainian Certificate of the Synnanan Certificate. From June 11 to Ukrainians, the borders open to Ukrainians.

According to the DMVetro Kullaa Minister, that the news was destroyed Twitter.

“It has official-13 vaccination certificates.

The main diplomat, has become the first European Union in the first European Union that such a deal was sealed with Hungary.

Read thisUkrainian Covid-19 Vaccine Covid-19 vaccination certificate suitable for Prime MinisterVaccineation Certificate in Ukraine

  • In May, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has launched bilateral agreements and started active work on identifying national vaccination certificates. In particular, Ukraine is ready to end such agreements to a single system for a single system for vaccination certificates.
  • On June 9, the European Parliament finally handle the green light, the green light was given to the Pandemic to present the digital covid certificates for the Pandemic journey. Authorization of the European Union’s council, published the official Journal of European Union, and then begins using July 1, 2021.
  • Ukraine Minister Ukraine’s Cabinet in Ukraine will be launched 10-14 days after the EU’s move, 10-14 days after Ukraine would be launched 10-14 days after Ukraine.

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