The road effects created by recorded confrontation were insured to determine responsibilities to determine responsibilities
And Road accident Between anything Private vehicle One Federal Protection Unit This happened on Tuesday morning Boulevard of the founders, In height In the surroundings of the Miraciora, inside Salty.
Change in the accident 9:20 hoursBoth drivers They claimed the right to passIt was influenced. To the place where they went Transit agents and insurance staff To settle responsibilities.
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The driver and the federal unit of the dodgine claimed that the portion of the federal unit.
According to the first versions and signs of the incident, the Federal Protection Unit was propagated through the middle paths of the Boulevard Try to join the side, He met a car Dodge attitude, It was traveling for years at the time.
Driver of private vehicle He tried to change the left to the leftIt caused Both cars will be collided to the sides, Caused significant material damage.

The impact impact was also material damage to both vehicles; The injured people have not been reported.
Of the personnel Insurers Came to the site to assess the situation and determine the responsibility of each drivers in the encounter. No injured people reported, However, though Increased circulation in the area For a few minutes when making the corresponding measures.
Authorities asked the vehicle Driving and road signs of caution To avoid similar events.