The exchange rate in 19.88 units – El Financiraro

Mexican weight is back The place of 19 units against the dollarA level that is not seen since the US elections in the US elections.

11:45 hours, Mexican Peso compliment This is 1.01% against the dollar, so the exchange rate is in 19.88 units. March 13, March 13, which is 21 cents.

Why was the exchange rate back in 19 units?

Banko Base Director Gabriella Seller explained that Mexico Mexico Moderated.

25 percent to Mexican exports that meet T-Mexene to the exemption from the tariffl of the tariff More commercializationBecause companies compel companies to meet the criteria of agreement such as local content and job content rules to avoid tariffs.

In the global market, Gold marked a recordconcerns of Doniffs policy of Doniffs of Doniffs of Doniffs of Doniffs of Doniffs of Doniffs of Donual Trump to 3 thousand dollar Growth of US economy As a result, World GDP.

Dollar price in banks today March 14

In bank windowsThe dollar is sold at 20.39 per unit of $ 20.39 per unit, buying 19.27 and the Banamex Bank reported 19.27 per green ticks.

Dollar Index (DXY)The Fort of US Currency measured by 0.05 per cent to 103.77 points to 103.77 points in front of a basket Bloomber’s dollar index (BBDXY) 0.10 per cent of units yield is billed in 1,266.56 units.

In the Money market, the 10-to-the-US bonus yield is 4.33 per cent 10 years of bonus in Mexico This continues to 9.95%.

Includes most appreciated currencies Russian ruble 1%; South African Rand 0.90%; Polish zloty 0.84%; Swedish crown 0.71%, and Brazilian real 0.69%.

Information from Valeri Lápez

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