The appropriate process, witness rights: What is the ICC works differently

Former President Roadrigs – former President Roadrigo Padders, started a legal war (ICC).

This huge is the beginning of a long legal war in Hague –

Does the case in ICC’s jurisdiction?

On March 14, the International Criminal Court of the International Crime Court of the Panganya Survey “

“The real challenge of explaining ICC in the Philippines is that it fits into familiar groups. Initially, in many ways is a section of international (criminal) law,” he said.

Action to the accused

ICC and local courts follow a different criminal procedures. Many films for former chief executive have been commanded, but the international criminal law is considering his terrifying fair.

Philippeen had the primary authority to prosecute the crimes allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly accused against Pederer. However, it includes crimes including genocide, battles, battles’ crimes, the crime of humanity, because it is not received.

It explains that the Pederer is unilatered in the accused by the Hague-based court.

The cycles of justice will not proceed until the court’s jurisdiction. The arrest is impulsively to it, “said the Pang Tempment.

The international law takes another approach to arrest. The Philippine Courts requires a criminal offense before providing a defense against the crisis, and allows the ICC Warrant before the verification of the charges.

History also tells that the accused in the first most important criminal cases before the court rarely question the legitimacy of their arrested.

The witness of witnessing witnesses

The presence of Council needs the presence of Council for two major parties – prosecuting and defense.

In ICC, they are also a 3-written representation in ICC as an unusable party as an unusable party in international criminal cases. Their testimony is important in installing criminalitis in widespread and planned violations of humanity.

The guilty can be witnesses, and their crucial role is spreading by proving murders. They contribute to the broad goal of the network of command network networks, organizational structures and criminal machinery.

The political weather and review Witnesses around the crime testifies are an important component of these actions.

All documental experts are examining all documentations to determine whether the crimes of crime follow the crimes against the appointment.

In terms of possible logistical difficulties, it allows ICC tests to certify to certifying videos conferencing software. In contrast, local courts require that publicly appears before the judge before the judge.

Most importantly, the Witnesses through security settings can be identified by an unusual protection, psychological care, psychological care, psychological support, their testimonies provide the big risk in a difficult period of their family.

Dupator is the first Asian Chief of the State affected by ICC. His second verification on September 23 on September 23 on September 23 on September 23. At this point the accused will challenge prosecution evidence and present their own.

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