Testimony. “” I have over all the persecution “: A Ukrainian soldier tells the hell of the Russian jails

Vladizilav Sadorin came to certify this Monday in the Touse of Tolouse in invitation to the Aviation of the Ukraine Libre Association and the Human Rights League. For the fight against the Russian campaign, this former Ukrainian war said two years of transcession in the Russian jails.

As part of the Breakheach Project, Vladesilav Sadorin meetings will be increased to witness what he experienced. March 17, March 17, March 17, March 17, March 17. In the age of 26, the Russian snakes were conquered in the 14th Brigate of the Ukrainian Navy, he was released after an exchange, he was released after an exchange.

How did you make a prisoner?

I came to the snake in the island on January 3. On February 24th of February, I was in my unit when we were asked to reach three Russian ships and asked us. Here is the Russian Ship helps you! ” The island bombear and all the basic facilities were destroyed. The Russians landed around the evening. We have no means to defend yourself at night, and our commander asked us to return to us. When they are caught, they grew mosts that the Russians were looking for organic laboratories on the island. They told us that Ukraine would have been in Russia and all of them will be fine for us in three days. I took a prisoner until January 2024 spent 679 days in different Russian jails.

When he got out of prison, Vladizillav Saddore lost 60 kg.
Private Photo – Vladizillav Sadinin

What did you experience suffering?

These are difficult to say, and I suffered my fighters and I suffered them. He raped many boys and dramatically, guards became sexually violence. If we can’t run away, they also invented games with the dogs who believed us. In each cell, we had to go to the nursery rims in different languages, and it was in German. Under the nails, we planted the needles, and we always hit the rubber sticks throughout the body, and we requested blood. The eight of the ten prisoners lived only eight people, because we had an insulted corridor. But the most difficult torture was starving. One day in Coscle jail contains three pieces of bread for us a day in the Cosk jail containing sand or straw. We learned to eat sentences, slugs, rats, soap and toilet paper. When I got off jail I went to 60 kilograms.

Do you consider the Russian campaign that you have been pleasing today?

Yes, the young guards know only to the pratist campaign. In their speech, they shifted history that Ukraine does not exist by a nation and Ukrainian people. We were transmitted by the Haven and Odessa are busy. Fortunately, the new inmates sent us news, and the new prisoners told us that Ukraine received help from outside.

how are you doing today ?

I feel the traumatic stress. In my sleep, I still sing the fond of the first to recover up to night since the third line. I have a head troma because I broke several bottles on my head. I have no galling of gallbladder and I cut off with two big toes. Many prisoners were injured and Ukraine cannot be treated so many people, and urge our warriors to welcome our warriors.

Why did you choose to say all these tests?

Because there is a Russian campaign and prevent it. In Russia, they believe that we will eat people and sacrifice their children and prevent them from passing. I mean I mean the war on Ukraine, but we don’t forget to be European, we’re your shield. I will continue until the last Ukrainian prisoner coming home. In the jails I had, I have never seen an international organization like Red Cross. The world should also know that we have experienced and punishing Russia.

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