TCS | Avil across South Africa: How did a man do before the stations of charging stations

Shown Ideal Before there was a network of infrastructure in the National Roads, South Africa is a story of a story before a BMW I 3.

Infrastructure through South Africa’s national ways is very common now the cross-country trip in an Ivi event.

But this was not always like that, ET of South Africa. 9v=sxtrow

The instiment is one of South Africa’s original EV lovers.

The proud owner of the proud owner of the proud owner is officially approved by BMW I3 – this is now 365 000km of the clock.

Ins of Tech Nonika Nosa Natho’s show

  • He was inspired by the first drive to Cape Town from Johannesburg to Cape Town to Cape Town to Cape Town;
  • How did he planned the journey, at the same time, knew that sufficient charging stations were not on the way;
  • Some of the factors, including interesting people he lives, and fun people he met on the way;
  • The best way to drive an Evi is the things that he taught his trips;
  • How many miles he exit than was new; And
  • His thoughts of the future of the electric mobility in South Africa.

IVS statistics based on the years of personal experience. Do not lose this episode of the show.

Note this episode of the technical show

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