Tarkseelines crazy won, leaders, but resolves Booms on God Angano

Juan Costa, Leonardo Rodrigues

Part of the fans won 3-0, because of the Paranoid (8), because of Paranoid (8), because of the winners, because of the win of the jerseers, with the success of the competition. Goals are Gustao Henrik and Rubens.

Brazilians in the control of the first half

In the first 15 minutes of the initial phase, the best opportunities were due to home owners. However, the best chance yet went after 16 minutes, and Jaw Santos took a corner kick and led to the chest in the small area.

Tarsalee tried to break all expenses and Pawano’s lines, so the game was invested in the game turns. In these inverse effects, during the 24 minutes, dentino attacks in the dampano’s defense, dentino attacks and substitutes muscle pain.

After the technical stop, the game is 25 minutes, Gustao Henryk goalkeeper is unlikely to Perera in a free kick. Open Aligator scoring and said it was better.

The team complains to disturb the Gulkeeper Kalater only with Russian, in the Russian, for a long time. Householders responded quickly, and the first half of the first half got the opportunity to expand the scoring with the last minute of the first half, but Perera made good resistance.

Despite the domain and the principal team, despite the partial victory of the Principal team, a part of the crowd was not agree with scoring. In addition to the Brazil’s opponent, the Brazil’s opponent to be eligible for “lose,” screaming, screaming and to qualify for the semifinals of Gomamo.

Photo: Phillip Phillekka

The second time

In the course of the complex, Brazilian continued their offensive gayin style. On the right, the Aligator of the Aligator will be released, however, however, is already disrupted.

The paranore was recorded only in 11 minutes, but disagree in the Team field. Lucas wide accident in 14 minutes, the cut was eventually endured against his heritage.

If the visitor is a bad creature, the other is wasted opportunities to the principal stack; At first after 21 minutes after the Guyi, Gollekiper, later in the left of Goodherm Santos on the left.

In the end of the competition, Anor Delotation Mode entered into December mode, and started attacking more. Brazilines wasted a number of possibilities, crystore the Christopher to the right of Christopher to the right of the Crristopher to the right.

Despite the dominant during 90 minutes, the ALigator was only in the 48th minute and scored the encounter and finalized the final number of the capital.

Next games:

The classification is already guaranteed, facing Jacor to achieve the next Saturday (15).

Already PAKALonango, Govtay Good Fridays to be returned to the field of 2026, because it does not have the calendar this year.

Technical file

Brazilines x PORNAá
9 round – Brazilian Championships. Elmo Seryus Stadium (Sarage) Brazilia – DF, 08/03 / 2025.16H

Saturday, 03/08 – 16H – Serejo

Middle Adator: Magniel Lima (CBF)

Assistant 1: Leh Sosa (CBF)

Assistant 2: Milton Alwows (CBF)

Referee room: Alison Silz (FFDF)

Inspector: Jose Ricardo (FFDF)

Representative: Walgaria Rey


Mathews Keizer, Netino, Gustao Henrique, Igor Moriz, Guildawh Santos, Taruti, Tobinha, Jo ™ Santos, Dentino

Technician: Louis Carlos Wink

Yellow cards: Tarut – 36 ‘for the first time;

Objectives: Gustao Henrique – 35 ‘The first time; Rubens – 48 ‘The second time

Perera, David, Didid, Dadiel Alwov, Lucuvo, Jovy, Russian, Zelsinho, Andrei, Lucas Victor, Daniel Gurro

Technician: KLSLo Morrise

Yellow cards: David – 7 ‘The second time

Louis Clayo Fraira’s supervision

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