On March 13, Shara’s interim Ahmed president signed the unconstitutional announcement that warranted to distinguish between authority and women. Will be applied for five conversion period.
“Opens a new page in the history of Syria, and takes the place of Augustia and suffering,” he told him to ward.
New text announced in a press conference palace in the Damascus President Palace, Freedom of Power, the Freedom of Women, the spokesman responsible for women’s processing.
The committee said the committee said the rigid committee committee of power compared to the former rule.
“There are many freedoms, including expression, including expression, social, economic, financial, political and political classes,” he added.
The Islamic Release alliances invested the Islamic Release alliances in December 8, deposited.
New authorities have disrupted the Constitution and dismissed the parliament that has been implemented.
After the thirteen years of civil war, the Syrian government announced a historical contract to integrate Syrian after the thirteen years of civil war.
Al Sharaa and Syrian Democratic Force (FDS) signed agreement, Maslum Abdi’s name should be implemented at the end of the year.
Last week, Syria has also experienced the worst violence from the house of Assad. According to the human rights commission, the Syrian monetary commission dies, approximately two thousand men died of Pirean Safety President and the executions of the common people.