Survey shows to be stabbing with PSD in the 1995 Aam Sarin attack

The respondents of the Tokyo Subway, 30 years ago, the respondents of the Aam Shindikio Nadi Gas attack on the Nadi Gas attack on the Nadi Gas attack, still discomfort, said a non-profit support group.

On March 20, 1995, a recovery support verification examination is awarded an annual survey, 6,000 people, killing 6,000 people and more than 6,000 injured. It is still considered Japan’s worst terrorist attack.

On the survey, the respondents asked the answer to answer 22 questions, if the scene of the attack was asked to answer the questions, and when five of the five tries to think about the incident. The number of respondents determines whether the PSD is considered affected.

On March 20, 1995, the Tonkijio Cult was underway to Tokyo’s double extinguing Tokyo’s Qijio Cult. (Qiodo)

In the latest research in the name of 2023, 24.1 percent of the Professor Emeritus at Nippon Medical School.

In the 2000 survey, 26.7 per cent compared to 7.7 per cent and 38.8 per cent of women in 2010.

In 2023, 56 per cent said that 56 per cent of the people would focus on the sight.

When the attack from the attack and 2025, the Center has decided to decrease the number of the victims of victims because of the old age of the victims.

On March 20, 2025, March 20, 2025, a Tokyo Metro United in a Tokyo Metro United, who was killed in the Sarin Nadi gas attack in Tokyo and over 6,000 injured. The drill has participated in 100 people to spray chemicals within a train. (Qiodo)

When the central government and general offices were slow to support victims, I had to do it, “Shinsuk Kimura was a 80-year-old lawyer.

Kimura said the victims are still suffering from the afterfector.

In the Am Shindikio invasion of attack, five subway train cars.

In July 2018 at the age of 63, the Chisvo Matzumoto, who was Chisvo Matsumoto.

Related Coverage:

Japan opens the 30th year of the Archive Sarin attacks.

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