
Republika.co.id, Jakarta – Sleep in the Messenger of Allah is one of the most common. This Sunna has many advantages.

Imam al-Shanani, Supul As-Salam Explain the meaning of sleep. He said:

If the interval is half day, if it does not sleep, “Peristihad de Denga Hari, Meskibun Titak Tidur.”

Naps are recommended by the majority of scholars based on the words of the prophet.

Based on the authority of Anas, let God be happy about Him, let the prophet, the prayers and peace of God be on him, because the ghosts are not waived because they are said

From Anaz, Raw, the Prophet, said, “Naps, because the ghosts did not take a sleep.” (HR AT-THABARANI).

In Kasyf al-gina ‘, He said:

It is desirable to sleep half a day; Abdullah said: My father was sleeping in half day, whether it was or summer

“It’s good to sleep half a day. Abdullah said: My dad will sleep for half a day in winter and summer.”

Ibn Maja Sahl describes from the century, he said: The prophet said:

We have not been transferred, no lunch after Friday

“We don’t sleep. We don’t eat lunch on Friday.” Anas bin Malik, described in Sahih al-Bukari, said, “We will get up early on Friday and sleep on Friday.

Based on the power of your sister, Um Chilim’s sister Um Haram Bind Malhan, he should be on the prayers of God and peace, so he woke up when he laughed and said: So I said: So I said: What do you laugh? He said: I saw a people riding these sea kings in the families, and I said: I prayed to God to make me from them, and he said: You are one of them, he said, and then he woke up when he was laughing He said: So I said: What do I laugh? As he was his article, I said: I pray to God to make me from them, so she is dead

Um Haram Bindi Malhan, the sister of Um Suleim, described that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah) fell asleep while they were there. He said, “I say, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what makes you laugh?’ He said, ‘I see the horse riding on the sea like the kings of the bed,’ I said to Allah. “Then he said,” He fell asleep and laughed. “He said,” O Messenger of Allah, what makes you laugh? Pray to Allah to make me one of them. “He said,” You are one of them. ” -Shampit married him, and when he returned, a donkey rode to him, fell on his neck and his neck died.

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