Sunita Williams close to the comeback? The rocket will start in a few hours


A pair of astronauts will eventually get a step near the astronomet to home when the next crew is held on Friday.

NASA and location 7:03 PM (2303GMT) aims aimed at a falcon spacecraft (2303 GMT).

An international national national team will attend the science experiments of the orbit experiment – but great interest is that their arrival is enabled to depart others.

After spacecraft, the Ishu, NASA, was released by NASA JOHOOLMOR and SUNITA YEMPIES.

Starelor returns blank without experience more important problems.

Wilmore and Williams were now long for nine months.

Their world record is more than six months of rootation for about six months of astronauts.

Still, their pre-standing behavior has to get extra clothes and personal care – so they had to get extra clothing and personal care items – gained interest and sympathetic.

This is what the President Donald Trump and his next adviser, Space X and ILEFA

‘They may love each other’

The claim was entrusted with clutter in the space community, especially the Cassk was not specified.

The project of the Qoa’s return is not changed, that is, another dragon arrived in September.

Danish Andrian Andreys Mojansense is the only one with a slur for mentally retarded.

Some retired astronaut ran into the defense of Mojanson.

Refer to Williams is making their strange comments for his strange comments, “the woman’s wild hair” may fall in love.

“They hope they will love each other – he will love each other,” he said, “he said in a recent whitehouse press conference.

The Crew-9 Spaceship can only provide leave of the crew-10 spaceship. Haravar periods are usually few days, early a plan to splide the florida coast on Sunday – that timeline is still practical but not clear.

Wilmore and Williams, NASA Bankotam Alecnot Gorbnaw Return Dragon Capsule will also be jokes.

The place is a region of cooperation between the United States and Russia, astronomers or astronomers through the Ukraine conflict.

NASA astronauts, the crew-10 teams are Japan and Russia Kiril Pescoow.

(NDTV officials not edited from a syndicate feed, except the title, and published from a syndicated feed.)

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