Strong Build, Arabic Dress, African-American Language | The Court of Kannada actress was rejected by Renat’s performance in Kannada actress

Bangalore5 hours ago

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The Special Court refused a serious gold medal case in a serious gold medal case. Judge Viswanath was sentenced to Caesar in terms of charges of allegations. Now Ranny’s lawyer is preparing to appeal to the Sessions Court.

Kannada actress Renathi Rau has revealed the appearance in the airport in the Karnataka Suggant case. She has given the gold. He was arrested at the International Airport of the International Airport of Bangalore.

The Revenue Intelligence (DRI) was received by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), 33 ni laarge call. He proposed him to face a guy in the dining lounge in the Dyning Lounge in the Gate A3 of the Dubai International Airport.

She said she was dressed in Arabic clothing to visit. Rashtha Rao said that the man he met was a good size. That was more than 6 feet. The pronuncan was similar to African-American, the color of its color was.

Renia said that when she met man, he had very short conversation between them. After this, the man was covered with two packets covered with a thick plastic. Raoman claimed that they entering gold.

The Claim of Clarium-Ranna’s DGP father helped him The Karnataka DGP and Ramchandra Rao ordered him to take him from the prairers.

Three agencies investigate against Rania In addition to the DRI, the CBI and the ED is now looking for rich. When Thursday was held on Thursday that was appointed as deported case against Kannada actor. On the other hand, the Karnataka government ordered the investigation against Rannah’s second father. However, it withdrew it after some time.

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