SagaMar 14 (News in Japan. Reed notices posted on Srikov: “The visitors find this disturbance. Stop these signs.”
Tops of departure from a central point, which will depart from a central point and radiations can be found in different places within the sanctum.
Who can be responsible for them?
Shigatososi M RIs, a worshiped officer ulalated: “First, it’s kids, it’s kids, but it is incredibly on time.”
The excitement reveals a close form to form a stem of stireral. Can you become the creation of alien organisms?
Some visitors found upsetting to disturbing and prompting a formal request to provide a formal request asking for a normal request. The officials pointed out that banning banning banning the banning of worship for worship.
Maurkee was kept at the point of posting the situation and calmened the situation. “
Considering the warning, there is no new secret circles in the shrine.
Source: Fnn