
Mexican actor and producer Pablo Berroni After a few days of closing the season No money, A creation of French descent and written Flavia Coste.

He Market candle The Jerus is located in the neighborhood, which is the scene we can know the story Ricardo, A man who decides to reject the lottery gift is 800 million pesos. Mariana Gaja, Antonio Alcandara, Billar Floreus Del Wale y Berrony They are part of the actors.

“Money should bear the same as yes. It is a part of the collection at work. This is a funny job that comes with scratch in Farza.Can you imagine how the night ends? It is a job that is related to everyone because we all have contact with money. People get mad with so much money and some people lose it, ”he said Pablo Berroni In an interview 24 hours.

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The work will be with activities from Friday to Sunday from February 16.

Photo: pointer

Difference in the works and crisis: Berrononi

Apart from being a particularly present in the plays in Mexico, Pablo Berroni That too Producer It has brought many works to the country beyond the common things. According to the actor, there are many problems that talk about what humans are, an example of this Pure wonderful things.

“This is a complex process I admire. I’m trying to find universal problems. People know where the stories come from. The texts will find you, which is why I am eager to talk about important, strong problems, for example, works about human essence, such as depression, suicide.

“They may be public and discussed with the public,” he said Pablo.

There is much talked about a theatrical crisis because the prices of enjoying a job are high, but Berrony He holds his sand grain Market candleThe site that manages the actress, Mariana Garsa.

Similarly, thanks to the social networks that were an important part of the theater for the new generation.

“The challenge is to take the rooms to the rooms and create the new ones. The responsibility is among the advertisers. If you say something is going to be recommended. Today it will change with social networks.

“It is a flying Mariana (Carsa) Taking the Lucena forum I always see it with products. We are always going to complain, but the theater is always packed. Yes, there is a crisis, but fortunately people go to the theater, ”he said.

Flash and represent lgbttiq+

Now that season Not moneyOvarian Berrony You already have another job ready Market candle. About it Flash It’s lgbttiq+ theme and it will play Pablo y Alejantro Oliva.

English text Michael Patton It comes in March, which promises to be a difficult story.

“I have been looking for a LGBTTIQ+story for a long time. This is talking about various topics. I wanted to talk about anything other than usual.

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“They are two characters on stage, which is a love story that talks about many more things. Important questions will be a beautiful but very hard work. This is one of the best information that you have. This is just a great journey that talks about love, losses and memories. Pablo Berroni.

Photo: Carlos Garcia

Because we are talking about lgbttiq+representation, Pablo Berroni He shared his feelings for actions Donald Trump The opening of the dissatisfied population and the opening of further problems shows us today.

“It seems that we are going back (talking Donald Trump), Is dangerous. These people have a mood, but don’t start thinking that there are people who have bad time. Stories save life, you can see me reflecting me, and I can say that I am not bad. Talking about these problems is important to me today.

“The sad thing is that it continues to point out. What I am interested in when the works are loaded are the same as the classes of history, as the new generation knows that it is easy today. It is important to note that there is still homosexuality and discrimination, ”he concluded.



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