In the 71-104 rockets, 111-104 won the Basket Sons and won the Season in the Tyoca Center in the 79-104 runs.
The second feet began to the second footsteps of Houston Adams Houston Adams (41-25) and Phoenix Mason Plumli (30-36).
“Their aggressive measures were considered a fight, by administration, the flavoring of the Palwalag NI crew chief tony brothers.
6-അടി -11, 265 പ ound ണ്ട് അഡാസ്, 6-10, 254 പ ound ണ്ട് പ്ലൂമിൻ, ഹ്യൂസ്റ്റൺ ഗാർഡന്റ് ഗാർഡൗൺ ഗാർഡൻ ഗാർഡന്റ് ജ്യാനിക്കാരുടെ മേൽ കടമെടുത്ത് രണ്ടാം പാദത്തിൽ.
Complete two, and the Suns Center has pulled back to the arms under the hand of Adams Plum. Plumsuds pushed up.
Adams took plumlly, and they filed two. When fell, the court will be overcome in court, coaches and officials in Pleenics.
“He goes for each comeback, but he does it, but he does it,” the S Sarisona Republic of Lahad Nair Plum. “I felt that they were physical than us, so I told him a thing to hit him in the glass.”
When entering the tunnel, a stand for the reaket fans were given a standing.
Houston’s beginners are 15 points and above the leadership of green. Alpornen is with Dillon Broorion on 20, 19th.
There is 25 points in Bradley Beat and the Phonics has Kevin Durent and Devin Booker in Phoenix. (Vladi EDUARTE)