Stationary pop and radiography improvements confirm – news

Pope’s health still introduced the radish profit in recent times. Early to resign from the hospital returning to Santa Martart or the new press point of the Medical Staff.

Repeatedly considered the “complexity of the public image” to the medical bullet today. Tomorrow is the 12th year of the Pope Twelfth year. An anniversary lives in Francsco Hospital.

Some thanks in Rome and the Santonas and Church, however, there is no such thing for the rest, because they have never been a lover of annual papacy anniversaries and celebrities. So the painting of the Pope’s health is improved, but at the end of May, the end of the Nica, a journey in Nica, Iqueminical Patirp Bartalomo at these times. In the past, the Franescseco said the 1700 years of the Equemenical Council, but he remembering the press room and remember that even though he was not officially announced even in the study.

This seems to be very difficult by the current situation, it can be achieved in such short hours. With this situation, improvement, still complexity depends on oxygen, and it depends on the Nasal cancellation and ventelica masking. “The clinical conditions of the Pope in the complexity of the main film were still stagnated. The improvements of the chest radioop was confirmed to the previous days, reading the medical bulletin. Therefore assumes that the pneumonia is improved, the verbal resources underlined. The Pope “Continues to make oxygen therapy – the medical bulletin continues – high flow during the day, the mechanical ventilation in the night rest.

If the situation of tomorrow remains stationary, the Pressroom will still update journalists when the after regular basis will not be a new medical bulletin. The Pope received the Eucarist, submitted to the prayer after following the spiritual exercises this morning, and submitted to prayers, and then submitted the motorcy away paper. After the afternoon, after participating in the spiritual exercise, he continued prayer, rest, rest and breathing physiotherapy. In these days, the Pope is linked to the need for the need for the need for the requirement – he always did this worshipance in the years.

Finally, the Pope Francis we return to speak in a complex situation that is left with the Pope the Pope Pope the Pope Which Pope is the Pope’s left. He was still a month in the hospital on March 14: He was still working on the recent week and sent messages. However, in this case, the more vulnerability should be understood how the spears will continue. The resignation is “a possibility, but it is fully handed by the delicacy of the Pope’s conscience,” Msgr. CI Secretary-General Geospipa Batturi. However, a phrase written by Francsco is referred to: “I have not yet knocked up the Pope Benadeto and the Pope is open to the Pope’s Pope’s Pope. .

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