Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Stephen sun From politics, business and science travel to South America with a 50-member representative team. An weekend to Brazil is in the context of the Mercosur contract for the Duty Free Trade between South America and the European Union. In addition to Brazil and Argentina, Mercosur also includes Uruguay and Paraguay.
“At a time when Boncosur and EU are wore friends with customers, Mercosur and EU are creating a free trade som with 770 million people,” Want said. «Ges it South America More importance to Germany than before. »
Travel schedule is a visit of a plant’s visit to the continent of Brazilian Guarlethus and the visit to Argentine in Argentine. In addition, he would like to indicate the purpose of closing the purpose between the Brazilian State of Sao Polo and Lower Saxony Argentina Strengthen.
Wail has already been president of the Federal Council in 2014 Brazil Traveled.
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