Smoking blankets are the city of Catovice of Poland. Photo Credit Flickr Robert S. (Semic)

Smoking may seem like a past issue, which is a very modern issue for Germany and Poland from a Dickensian novel.

A German officer, a German officer, said that most of the most famous of Berlin’s smoke, Poland’s fault and the primary fuel for heating homes is continuing to use coal. An official of the German Federal Environment Agency (UPA) has said that the smoke born on the German flight is 25% to 35% from Poland. All the EU countries have entered the zero pollution program, which, in accordance with the European Commission, “aims to address biodiversity loss caused by public health problems and pollution. It considers zero pollution to air, water and soil by 2050. “Currently, positions are not falling quickly to reach the short -term goals set by the Commission for 2030.

Poland took 74 places in the IQ clean air indexTh In 2023, in 134 countries of the world. However, in their 2025 direct index system, the global rankings of IQ Air made Poland’s second largest city, Grako, the eighth air pollution on Earth.

Where do pollutants come from, and we breathe in the air?

There are many different particles as the airborne products of chemical reactions from industrial work to road maintenance, and these invisible reactions make pollutants, which later inhale.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, “Most particles are formed in the atmosphere as a result of complex reactions of chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, pollutions that are excreted from power plants, industries and automobiles.”

IQ Clean Air Index follows these pollutants and measures how Air pollution It affects both environment and people, checking the rate of PM2.5 that is harmful to humans, and they also see the NO2 and O3 level. PM2.5 is a inhalation particle that is usually 2.5 micrometers or small. The World Health Organization estimates “the average concentration of PM2.5 in Poland by 2023″ 2.8 times of the annual value of WHO air quality guidelines. ” The dangerous situation that other countries do not want to share.

Killer smoke reduces life span

The European Environmental Institute estimates that thousands of deaths in the country may be the cause of air pollution, and that the number will rise to hundreds of thousands of people. This is an recognized problem associated with air pollution in Europe, one of the main objectives in dealing with air pollution is to reduce the “health effects of air pollution (premature deaths) more than 55%.”

Learn more about environmental problems that threaten Europe.

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