The opportunity to increase goodness on the Internet. The Maradona Gonde team does not defend himself at the end of a hard race against an opponent against an opponent (1-1, continuously with Rome), but he always proposes the game and hurt the blues.
In the first half, the game is decided when the game is characterized by a series of reverse changes in front of the two teams, which may lead to any time at any time.
Recovery is characterized by tactics and is less common approach than the lesser spectacular frules. Napoli appears in flexibility at a athletic level, and does not see the help from the Gonde Bench’s components, which are certainly not at the level of the owners.
The final numbers are introduced for a few minutes, but he cannot make himself a hero. Gonda should be done without the Olivera of Spinasola, who is not in good physical condition.
While Good Morning is still parked on the bench, Juan sends Massochchi to the left of the defense on the left of security. Ranjayik relied on 4-4-2 by launching a young French attack, and called for Christians to go to the left side of the leaders’ leaders. One and the other in the first half are likely to score in the forefront.
Both teams create at least ten marks opportunities, failed or to improve the attackers or attackers. In the 36th minute, when McDomine is avoided in the goalkeeper area, he is leading the team from the flag of politics and leading the team. However, after four minutes, Juan Jesus and Massochchi’s double defensive naiveness, Echenkamp sees the target with an end diagonally diagonally from the exact summit of the penalty area.
In the second half, the shameful attitude of the Udinis continues, which all continues the protection of Napoli in the opposite attack, and in the defensive phase, the rhythm of the Gonta game inevitably closes the lines of the columns. Within 20 minutes of the end of the count race, he attracted the team’s tactical structure 4-4-2, with a contemporary entry in the Raspatori, Nagong and Simeon industry instead of Anguisa, Palidano and Lukaku.
Udinis cannot make himself dangerous by the same sequel that is classified by the first part of the game, but the Friulians cover the Napoli with a high end, and the minute pass to find more difficulties and the right corridors to find more difficulties. The game pulls itself up. Napoli resumes for a waste opportunity, and Udinis confirms that he is a strong and hard team to win everyone, including leaders.
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