Democratic Sen. If Jean Shaheen in New Hampshire, Gene Shaheen, New Hampshire, the long-term center of the long-term center is a historical blow of the democrats.
In January, the first woman elected to serve the United States and senator in the United States. She declared the decision on the video posted on social media.
“Today, after carefully considering carefully, I decide that I was a difficult decision to seek reilection again to Senate in 2026,” she said. “It’s time.”
History indicates that the party controlling the White House will face a challenging political environment in the last year’s interim election. Republican faces customer pessimism and business leaders.
But before Shahin’s announcement, he was in favor of the fight for political landscape Senate, there won 53 seats with Democrats.
In the three purple states that the Democrats in the next weeks, Republicans are now the republicans are now pickup opportunities: new Hamshire’s Shaheen Sen. Gary Petus, Minnesota Sen Tina Smith. GOP is particularly optimistic about the possibility of the party in Georgia, where the Democrand Sen. Hopefully the severe road will face the hard road to choose John Ossop.
Democrats, visual pickup opportunities, no obvious pickup opportunities.
Now, now, the main opportunity represents the best chance of democrats. Republican Sen Keson Collins is the only gope senator in New England, is the Republican on a state trump.
The Republican responded to Shaheen’s decision with greetings.
“Someone else!” Sen. The Tim Scot Xil of the South Carolina leads to the Sen Republican campaign bar. “Shaheen’s retirement Granite statement is enthusiastic news for the new leadership. The general Sense Republican has a prestigious tradition and the new Hampshire has a proud tradition.
In decades, Shahin is a political force in the new hamshire is the Senate led by Senate, who serves as a foregoing Democrat without foreign connections. She would easily be elected by looking at another term.
New Hampshire Democrats hope the Congressman Chris Papas is the most likely shaken successor to Shaheen. If the four-time Congressman decides to run and win, the first open man will be the gay man.
In the posted statement posted on social media, he did not address his political future.
The Senator Shaheen is a walk-of-based on the new Hampshire first and varying for our families and community.
Former Massachusetts Sen by Senkar’s Ambassador in New Zealand in the first Trump administration. The Brown defeated Shahhen in 2014.
The state is a history of selecting leaders from both parties, but the history of the leaders choose from both parties. Trump recorded less than 3 per cent, and the Republican Keli was elected Governor.
Yet, after a Republican emerges in 2010, a Senate seat was not won a Senate seat in the Granite state.
A Republican in New Hampshire has not won a Senate race, spokesman David Bergerskin said the spokesman of the democratic seniority committee. “The building of the Republicans is the construction of the Republicans and beat their candidates.
Although the Democrats gained in 2026, Shaheen would certainly be considered an easy victory if the National Party would not be forced to invest in a state.
In 1996, the first woman who was elected as a new Hampshire Governor became Shaheen. In 2008, he was later elected to Senate.
“Here you have urgent challenges, here, even if I don’t seek again, believe me, I don’t retire,” Shahin said. “I decided to work every day in the next two years and to continue and continue to continue, continue and continue.”