The violence of the Party Qua (Piku) is facing in violence of the Montreal metro and increasing violence of users.
The Montreal Transport Company (STM) special constables in the metro last year was injured in the metro last year. In 1695, in 1695, in 1695 have been complaints of security related concerns.
We will no longer count the number of weeks of weeks, such as attacks, but also drug use of the weeks of drug use.

Photo Hugo-Sebastian AUBERT, Person Archives
The head of the Party Qaabokois, Paul St. Pieronton
“This is not a solution, this is a symptom,” said Paul St. Pieronton. “When you don’t strict, you have to tell people no longer to go to people, there is a thing that doesn’t work.» »
To restore security in the metro, 33 police officers and five citizens are asked to establish a Community Consultation Team of the Five Citizens. The second is to order the order to prevent the “weak” in metro stations.
In this way a team existed over a year ago, but its survival is currently being upgraded, Mr. St. Pieronton.
Piquies suggest PQ to accept the emergency scheme and bonus of the homelessness and the bonus of the SPVM intervention.
“Caq is completely worse. Who pays the price? Citizens, public transport users, said this,” St. Pierenton said.
As you get around Cube, 10,000 people will be roaming, according to the last number. The community is expected to be soaked in this spring.
This is the tendency of this above, especially in 2023, the Social Housing Program was discontinued in 2023, policelogs, police said the poles and Pierre Pieronton. He also promises to his return.
“We don’t agree to the homeless, don’t normalize,” he sent. “We can’t let it.”
It is important to visit the “Hound Stations” Pick, and in the following days, the STM company has the most violent events.