
At the fourth convention of the Governors’ Civil Affairs, the Commander of the country’s police, Ahmad Resa Radan, said: , Accidents caused by unacceptable accidents in our country and The amount of casualties and injuries.

According to Tabnak, he continued: part of the road is part of the vehicle and the other part of the drivers. In addition, the other area is associated with monitoring. Is this a serious surveillance? Based on this surveillance, the driver shapes his transport behavior.

“We had a Memorandum of Understanding between the police and the ministry, which for many years was a continuous and effective understanding,” the country’s police commander added. In the city industry, we have very serious problems. The number of deaths in the city is higher than the city. The clear reason is that our supervision has been reduced.

“Hurry by families is the injuries to go in a corner of a room by an accident,” Radon said. By reducing losses, we will surely see the advanced conditions of the injured.


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