The Sanremo Festival is also a memorial. Here is the selection of the most funny things from the questionable concept of the geology of the Cristiano Malgiococclio to the translation of the festival of Cameron. Lucio Corsi’s clothes are then inevitable.


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And Second evening The Sanremo festival is over. Users waited at this timeCarlo Condi’s visit To start taking the smartphone at Ariston Theater Prepare thousands of ideas At the festival, from Pianka Baldi’s clothing All The performance of singers in racing Passes all the gaps that make up the SanremoThe event we know.

Then they are of course: i Memory. According to Elon Mask, or at least a phrase taken from him, “those who control the mimes control the world”. So again x, again The house of chandremo’s mimesThe best pearls were given to those who reached during the show.

Here we are leaving you Choosing the funniest mimes. The heroes? Well, Cristiano Malcioclio Has given a lot to write his opinion on geography, but then Carlo Condi and her are clearly clear AttentionWhere Cameron (Tomiano David’s girlfriend) caught the translation and clothes of the festival Lucio Corch.

1. The anxious temporary bridge opened by Cristiano Malgioclion between Padua and Austria




3. How to explain it to Cameron?

4. Palorda Skalata


5. Fedes still surprised

6. Each of the skill

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