The goal tanker loaded with the Russian port, USD-Luga, then sent patrols to the Gulf of Finland.
Source: Yes
In fact: “The border guard patrols the airplanes to the Binnish Gulf. With an extraordinary event in the Goal Tanker loaded at the USD-Luga port, it was previously announced by the Russian media.”
Details: Finnish border guards noted that their country was ready for immediate response in the event of an environmental threat. Additional information on the nature and size of the accident is also collected.
Prehistoric to history:
- The Russian media said that the “Fontanga” and “Tas” said the accurate cola tanker with fuel in the Russian port, USD-Lakh port. Tanker goes under the flag of Antigua and Barbuda.
- Rosomorichflatt made it clear that there was an explosion in the tanker on the ship.
- Finland’s Prime Minister Better Orbo SaidThe country is watching the situation with tanker damage with fuel oil in the Russian port, USD-Lax.
- It was revealed to be Denmark early this week To strengthen the trials of the shipsIt carries Russian oil to protect the environment and protection in the sea.