Russian Federation is attacked with drones on March 14-March: Details

The Black Sea is represented in the Odessa region

23:02 Odesa Ova Olug Kipper Reported About the huge attack by shock drones.

As a result of the impact, the city is completely deactivated by Chernomoresk because of damage to energy infrastructure. The related services work on the scene and undignable points deploy.

00:52 Odessa Mayor Jenendy Trekhanov ReportedThe blasts were bowled in the city.

A blow to serious infrastructure in Summy

22:50 Stay Ova She said About the massive attack of the UAV in critical basic facilities of the Sumi city.

“The volunteer units receive all the actions to defend security and defense forces, Elili attack,” Message has been added.

Sameran Artem Cobsar starring Confirmed Lack of light in the city.

Closure of Cheerhi

03:38 Chirnihiv MVA Dimitri Brothriti’s head ReportedThe city was fixed in a multi-stortty building. The car burns.

03:59 Brothski SpecifiedIt is nine stroke building damaged. The water is localized in the parking lot and localized.

“Currently there is no victims among the people. All rescue work services work in the city. He added that the consequences will be avoided.

Photo: consequences of the attack of the Russian Federation, Cherniyh

Photo: consequences of the attack of the Russian Federation, Cherniyh


The action of air defense in the areas of the hand

At 22:56 at 22:56 per year, the air Alarm declared, 23:12 Kevewreet Ova ReportedThose UKAs are recorded in the air. She worked.

UAW Movement

About Acquaint Armed Forces of Armed Forces.

The Sumi region was threatened at 20:39 at 20:39

UAW Movement until 21:29:

  • In the center of the Summi region, Western Course (Chernhihrive);
  • South Western Course (Cherniyhiv, Poltawa) in the southwole of the south;
  • A course in the south and south, Poltava and Kharkivu region of the Sumi region;
  • In the southwest of the Kharkivh region, a course in the Poltava region;
  • Northwesteen the east of the Nicompe area;
  • In Black sea, the western course in the black sea direction.

00:03 Like drones Regular:

  • In Chirni, they moves in Western_uguarus direction;
  • The west of the Summi region, a course in Cherniyhiv region;
  • The south and south of the Summi region, South-Poltava region;
  • Western Course Kirovohoh Regions;
  • In the northwestern part of the northwestern course and Kirovagrodu
  • In Chaterausi sector, the vector of the Bila SSERVA movement;
  • Moving in the southern and the capital of Kiev.

00:37 enemy drones Lived In the black sea, the vector of the Odessa movement.

01:22 UAV Saw:

  • East of the Chirniyhiv region in the east of the Kayviv region;
  • The eastern course of the Summi region;
  • Southeast, Kharkivh, in Poltava region, Dinipropevsk;
  • The course of the Cherka region of the Cherka region;
  • Groups on the northwestern course, Odessa, Kirovagram, Vinnitcia region;
  • Western Course on the northern side of the Venunty region;
  • Minsia, Sitomir, Khamlesky areas, starkost to starcomasty
  • The eastern course of the System of the System Sector;
  • Northwestern course in the south side of the areas of the cove sector;
  • The vector of the handle of the hand area, the vector of hand movement.

02:17 Up to the drones Regular:

  • Western course, in the center of the Chernhihiv region;
  • Western and south of the continuous region;
  • Southern course;
  • Southwest course in the northeastern region;
  • Retrusted from the Venonda region to the west, keep the instructions in the Northwestern course in the region of Khmelntsky sector;
  • The northern and sitomir vector;
  • South and Southwestern Course in the Sitomir region;
  • In the northeastern part of the western course, in the northeastern side of Kamlitsky.

Roughly the third night starkostano inhabitants Warned About the youth approaches from the southeast.

03:21 Drons Lived:

  • In the Cherniyhrhiv region in the Keovi region;
  • Throughout the Poltava region, they are mainly moving to the Southeast;
  • North of Pavlograd Movement Vector Dinipro Petrows
  • In the north of the Cherkazi region, west of Western
  • Western (Startocostani Viv) on the east side of Khmelsky.

News of News …

  • Russian occupation soldiers beat Riyyi, who is known as the Eleven victims at the March 14th of the March 14th.

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