
About it Report Andrei Kovalenko, Chairman of the Center (CPD) to destroy false information.

This misinformation is part of the Kremlin’s information operation, which “does not want Ukraine peace”. It is managed by the head of the Russian Federation’s external intelligence and Vladimir Putin Sergei Narishkin’s longtime friend.

According to CBT leader, Narishkin has already failed the cables against NATO, and he began to claim that Russia was revealed to the offender, and then produced terrorist attacks on Ukraine ships.

According to Kovalanko, Narishkin is now lying on the preparation of terrorist attacks in EU countries. However, Russia was the sabotage and fire in European countries, trying to kill the CEO of Rhimmetal, reported in NATO.

“Now Narishkin is making possible sabotage for the Ukraine charge. But he is the most prize, it is clear that it will be done by the Russian Federation. – summarized the CPD leader.

What do they say to the Curril

In view of Andrei Yuso, the representative of the Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine RBC-Ukraine He noted that the Russian Federation is trying to disrupt Ukraine and Europe.

“Of course, this is fake. On the other hand, this is a direct threat to disrupting the situation of other countries. Putin’s special services can arrange various provocations and terrorist attacks, including their own citizens. They need some actions and even if they have no criticism,” he said.

At the same time, Yusov did not respond to the question of whether Russia could organize such terrorist attacks.

“The Russian rule today is a regime that ignores the sovereignty of other states, wives war and aggressive actions, components of hybrid war in the territory of the third countries. The countries and the partners of Ukraine,” said Qur.

  • Previously in the western nation’s intelligence ReportRussia has formed a new secret unit in the name of a special task (SST) sector for distractions and attacks beyond Europe.


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