Kremlin After refusing, Monday issued a warning on the weakness of the current American-Russian relations Confirm that President Trump And the Russian President Vladimir Putin Recently spoken, Four Outlet Report.

Why is this important: Trump Resolved repeatedly Russian leaders said on Monday that the Russia-Ukrainian war was on the campaign path, but before any resolution was possible, Putin’s conditions should be completed.

Enables the message: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riyapkov said Monday During a press conference, American-Russian relations “balance on the edge of splitting” NBC message.

  • Russian authorities will not finish the war until the terms of Putin, which was outlined last year, is not completed, in which Ukraine abandons it NATO ambitions And withdrawal of troops Areas in Russian control.
  • “We are here. We are soon to understand us, England and others. It will be better. And this desired political solution will be close to everyone,” Riyabkov said.

To zoom: Riyapkov also praised the Trump administration for being interested in talking to Russia about the conflict. Guardian.

The environment: Trump Told the New York Post In an interview released on the weekend He spoke to Putin to negotiate to end the war, but when or how many times did not confirm.

  • Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Pescov told reporters on Sunday that Trump cannot confirm or deny the comments, Russian state news agency Toss Report.
  • If communication is confirmed, since 2022, there will be the first contact of the NPC news to be officially agreed.
  • Journalist Bob Woodwart Report There have been conversations for Trump and Putin in 2021 since the Trump left the White House.

Go deep: Trump says he talked to Putin about ending Ukraine’s war

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