The player gave a correctional story of the night, and at the time he and several members of his team were taken to work violently by a group.
This is one of the most violent news in Rugby history in France. One night in July 2014, many players of the Clearmont Club, then engaged in a rare fierce fighting in the Internship of Aveon. Today, one of the heroes, a former Exvi player in France, returns to this chapter.
In the entire summer production of a new 14 season, the Abergne players are interviewed at Falcos, Pyrnenis-inorganisms. One evening, they decide to stop in Milla, Aveon. But the evening will change quickly.
After attending several bars in the city, players go to a nightclub. There, they are the witnesses of a shocking scene: a man slaps a woman in the middle of the nightclub. Rukery, the legend of Avarvanne Club and former French international activist Rukery, immediately interferes: “If you start again, I will beat you up,” he told the individual.
Faced with the existing large number of Clearmont Rugby players (45), the attackers leave … at least temporarily. They decide to wait for the players on the exit, and are ready for the violent solution of the weapon and accounts.
The rest are the former Hooker (37 choices) of France’s XV and the Clearmanth Player Benjamin Kaiser, at the time (2011-2019), is a direct witness to the incident. “We see the scooter approaching with the objects in your hands, but with the rain, in the beginning, we don’t see well,” he said as the Good, The Bad and the Rugby, in found by our colleagues in the special bodgastActuragb. “These are the mockets, the mutants, and they took anything to hurt us, and actually killed us. To protect themselves, they rescued the panels as shields.
He continued: “We hit as much as we can, but we have been cut. I picked up a tin on the back of the neck, and a mucous paper in his hand. Julian Pierre came to us for help.
“When we returned to the hotel after the hospital, all the comrades were wondering what to do, and they broke the chairs to make weapons with wires,” he concluded: ‘We are going to Manhunting. Tell us how they are, we will find them and kill them. (…) Fortunately, fortunately they did not find anyone, and they would have been in jail for murder. “
Following the hearing, Six people between the ages of 21 and 29Including at least two in prison.