As for Richard Ferrand, this is the day of the truth. Former President of the National Assembly Emmanuel Macron was proposed as the Chairman of the Constitutional CouncilChanging Laurent Fabius, but his appointment is subject to the opinion of two laws of parliament’s laws. He was auditioned by the National Legislative Assembly’s Law Commission on Wednesday, February 19, from 8:30 am to 10:30 am. Upon leaving, the national members of the Commission announced that they were lurking. Since they have 18 votes with their Seotist allies, they provide a small air to Brettan, and they must follow a hearing at the Senate Law Commission planned at 11 am before the two bodies vote. Follow our directory.
“I have always been, I’m a free man,” Richard protects the Frande. In the case of Britain’s mutual mutuals, Macronist responded to criticizing his contacts with Emmanuel Macron, but his legal skills or his legal setbacks. “I hesitated a lot” et “I didn’t hear anything”.
A particular voting system. During the referendum, the votes of the Assembly and Senate Laws will be registered together, and if one -third of the MPs oppose this appointment, it will be rejected. Of the maximum hypothesis of 73 votes in the Assembly Law Commission and 49 votes in the Senate, the appointment cannot be held if there is at least 74 votes.
Some are unknown in the position of groups. On the left, members of the National Assembly and Senate Commissions will vote against this appointment, Like the Republican republicans, the one who made their position on Tuesday. On the other hand, their LR colleagues in the Senate have not yet spoken as representatives of the national rally. The referendum against these MPs can be prevented from the extract from the Finiser from taking the way of the saints since March.
The other two candidates performed the audition. Richard Ferrand, the only candidate to be heard by MPs on Wednesday, is not because Lawrence Wichnewsky and Philip Boss will be passed in the crill of laws. Yal Brown-Pivet’s respective candidates and Senate president Gerard Larser, the leader of the National Assembly, will try to not join them in one fifth against them.
The movement of socialist censorship was explored at the end of the day. After these inquiries and votes, its results will be known in this process, and the National Legislature will examine at 5.30 pm. It blames the government of Fran ுவ ois Baru “Give the sad feelings of extreme right”. However, the national rally has announced that it will not support the effort in order to give Bernoy’s de Medignan leave.
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