Income Astronator Bachchar Wilmore Y Suni Williams After Nine month … in International Space Station (EEI) a critical problem for the future of the space exploration is laid on the table: What will happen in the human body?
From losing the mass of the bone, the losing the mass of the bone and visual failure is a constant challenge. As human arrivals beyond the earth orbits, including exploring plans RaiIncrease health risks and innovative strategies may be prompted to alleviate their results.
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Exercise against microvity
Lack of gravity causes the rapid bone deminalization and muscle anvert. To defend it, astronauts Ei They follow the daily routine of two hours of workout with specialized equipment such as defense machines, such as immature machine.
“The best result to express our effectiveness, is that we have no fracture issues when we enter the astronauts TierraHe said Rihanna BeaucuraExperts in aerospace medicine Baylor College of Medicine. However, studies also show that the Bonne loss can be found and the reverses will take over.
The balance is affected. After returning to Earth, astronauts should be submitted to the rehabilitation of the astronauts and recover the stability to resent their vestibular system.
Influence of astronomers and body fluids
Another phenomenon is deceived in the head, it increases the risk of renal calculations and reduces the intracranial pressure. It is connected with neuracular syndrome related to spatial flights (SANS), A condition that changes the shape of the ibol can be worse worse.
However, in isolated cases, this fruit is positive. The astronaut Jessica Meer After a space trip, he has changed the change in his vision: “When I was wearing the glasses, I’m on the lenses.
Radiation: The silent enemy
In the US, the land magnetic field still provides some protection against radiation but in future missions Luna Mars exhibition is very large. The NASA This is trying to limit a 3% astronauta scation across their lives, so a preference is a preference.
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Astronomy In Seigfride Ege He pointed out that dense materials protect the radiation against radiation, however, however, is limiting the use of radiation. In return, the tricks of the Earth’s gravity or gene treatment will help strengthen human resistance in space.
