The findings indicate evolutionary change. They have bones of the previously unknown Tabir.
The divers in the Steinhetti River in Florida saw hundreds of virgin fossils The age of the snow. The invention contained bones of giant shields, ancient horses, laziness, and an unknown tapir.
About it Wrote Direct science.
The article states that “a wonderful set of over 500 fossils at this point was found, about half a million years old. It was filled with the exceptional of the ancient mammals.”
About 500,000 years ago, before the river flowed with this place, a garded wire was created in Florida, which became a deadly trap for hundreds of animals. Then, the sediment rocks filled the bullet, and in fact their remnants were burned in almost a beautiful position.
These fossils were hidden until 2022, until the fossils of Robert Sinibaldi and Joseph Pranin were diving in the river water during the routine river. After Bran’s observation, researchers found Tabir’s hoof and skull. These inventions became the signal of a better invention.
“It was not only in the quantity but also in quality. We realized that we found an important place, but I didn’t know how important it was,” said Sinibaldi.
The Florida Natural Historical Museum has recognized the significance of the invention and dated the middle of the Irington layer of North American Mammous mammals (1.6 million – 250 thousand years ago) – with a fossil specification of an evolution.
“Not only Florida, but also in the entire chronic fossils, this place is not at any interval,” said Rachel Narcasi, a study published in fossil studies, and the Palendologist of the Florida Museum.
One of the main inventions is the petrifidnus of the extinct giant organism, such as a shield called Holmesina. 70 pounds from a race that lived two million years ago. Floridanus, H. Scientists knew that Septhenris had reached 215 kg. But there was still little evidence of how the size changed.
“In fact, it was the same animal, but later it became the largest, and the bones changed much, and researchers are secreting it as a different species,” Narutusi said.
The fossils of the Steinhetti River gives an idea about this evolution. The bones of the bones and the legs are similar to the size of the later and large species of the Holmesina, while maintaining the characteristics of their small ancestors.
The authors of the study explained that “this gave us more information that an anatomical level appeared to be an increase. That is, before the shape of their bones changed,” the authors of the study explained.
One of the interesting models found on the spot is an ancient Tabir skull – a mammal that is similar to an elephant trunk. Strange enough, the skull had many features that were not found in other samples before. It forced researchers to assume that the skull belongs to the previously unknown Tabir. But for the final results, scientists need to collect additional information.
Of the 552 found fossils, about 75 percent are of the early species of horses-one sub-group, which contains modern home horses. The teeth of the horses are some fossils, which are very well protected in the Carstin bucket.
“For the first time, we received complete models with the upper and lower teeth, as well as the scratches of a person,” researchers said.
Since the teeth are still traces of life clothes, researchers can read the food of the horses in unprecedented details.
We will remind, fossils revealed a secret, What Greenland is a million years ago. The findings of the island’s icy heart indicate the presence of a flowering green tundra over a million years ago.
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