A book categorized by the Penguin Random House Publishing House at one point in the coming weeks will begin to spread to “business offense.” The book on 288 pages is the central axis of Marcelo Ebrard, and is taking the old earlier inquiry into illegal activities in the construction of Superwia, a toll road that connects the suburbs of Mexico to the outskirts of Mexico.

The book review states that the task of promoted during the Hebreard government is “abuses” and that it exists today, when the government is out of office seven months later. Renomous, Atko and Cobri were converted into three companies. During the Government of the Enrik Pen Neeto, published in the government of the former President Andrez Manuel Lopez Oprador, the book is being investigated on the financial intelligence unit, which became the vehicle of his extremist sect.

Caldia Shinbam, who was in the early days of the presidential heirs, opened the heirs of the Presidential Heirs, and his “Gorgolate” was published within a month of his “Gorgolate”, and from the beginning, Claudia Shinbam has been in the vicinity, and after he came to the national palace, he was threatened with the presidential nomination in 2012. He promised to nomination. The origin of the book is in relation to Ebrard’s another star moment as President Shinbam’s most important person in relations with the United States.

The file published by the magazine was coordinated by the orders of the pen Needo in March 2015, and he was thirsty for revenge against Ebrah. He pointed out that the Carmen Aristekui research team had no evidence of leaking of his family home in Lomas de Sabuldebec, which is legally owned by the Higa Group, and its President Juan Armondo Hinozosa ruled the Mxico state near the most former president, and he had more than the Milkian contracts. He is going to build a quick train and it is not finally done.

The newspaper work was called the “White House” and they have a major impact on public opinion. Penn Neeto Treasury Secretary Louis ordered the investigation, and worked in the Financial Investigation Unit in Alberto Phosphas and SAT, led by Aristotle Nice, corruption and washing case money within five months. Ebrard became a persecuted politician, and he left the country to avoid going to jail.

Hebreard and his entire family were under the action of the Bayista government. They froze all their accounts and carried out 19 censorship. The investigation contains 75 blocks and contains 80 thousand pages. A year later, Jose Quadaloop Medina, a special lawyer for the anti -corruption struggle at the Attorney General’s office, informed the then topic, Arali Gomez, and he had no components to continue. Jose Antonio Meat, the secretary of the Treasury, released the videoger, and said that he was missing the elements that promoted Ebraht. The case collapsed, and in December 2017, the non -implementation of criminal proceedings was ordered. Hebreard was released from any positions by the same government that harassed him and that he could not be a companion.

When the complorist prepared his report, they searched for Hebreard family lawyer Alejandro Paskal and told its director Miguel Patilo that it was clarified and closed. He didn’t do so. The output made noise, but the president did not derail it from the competition. Just ago, as the lawyer recalled, the head of the Aristbekui Research Group and the editor of the “White House” report, Daniel Lisharaka sought him a book, and he told him that he was working in the supervision case, and Badilo received the same offer.

Pascal did not hear anything from Lishaka, and two months ago, he tried to interview Hebreard. A lawyer who gave him an interview. Lishaka and Claudia Solara, co -editor of the book, who performed newspaper research work, asked for specific documents on what they were working, but they would no longer contact him.

Due to lack of communication, Penguin Random House gave them the Pascal documents to the office in Mexico. One teacher refused to accept them because he did not want to register, so he brought a copy of the editorial offices in New York and sent another to his headquarters in Munich. They received documents in New York, and a few days later, Lisharaka contacted the lawyer and gave him what he demanded.

The content of the book is unknown and what the findings reached Lisharaka and Solara. The review is not recommended, but it is a secondary, because its impact will be recorded in the political environment, which took place at the beginning of the presidential heir with the report. At the beginning of the negotiations with the Trump administration, the publication of the book likes Ebrard, and used by many enemies within the regime.

Ebrahd, who has no confidence in the president, is a operating officer, and is the best qualified secretary of the Cabinet, which has received recycled disgust in the hard category of the former president. The book will give you new reasons for the attacks on Ebrahd, and in the worst time, maneuvering will be done in Washington.



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