I have never come to an addiction by accident, but I will be deliberately drowned in nicotinism, but I would like to die a heartrupt or lungs. Later, after leaving the cigarette, I boldly smoked, and it is forced to get to make it awfully, and it will fall to me, but the heart of diabetes will fall on the heart of diabetes and liver fat. And then I was smoking because my lung destruction was very terrible because it’s very terrible for this happiness is very terrible for this happiness. The last time I resigns, because of some stages of my life in some stages of my life, retired. Only the only man’s achieving himself releases himself from human desires to achieve boundless boredom. At the same time, it is not normal – killing the head of the head of the brain, but a Lalature moment when you are forced to meet your time and feelings. I don’t care about suffering anymore, I don’t care about suffering and I feel a word, taste reflex –
During any moment of the moroow, you will relieve yourself in which moment you will be released. You will relieve yourself from this fat Androidian drive.
Let’s come to me. Okay, I quit drug addiction because of the early adolescence, because I was incredibly incredible with the characteristics that change the state of consciousness since childhood. That is why I should never force the grass, hashish or mushrooms, however, smoke in the abdominal travers and cried to grow marijuana in the pots. When they could get a real hash, it is not easy because we stayed in Poland, not in the Poland, mix with tobacco and mixed with cigarette. Dog mushrooms were dried, or ate, or the largest mortars of it, and the largest mortars were hidden in the first part of the Lat. The word “appointed”, the name of Moj Kara’s name was past the yarn. It became clear after computment, poppy milk and Makkara. Cocaine, Amfetamine, Crystals, Acids, Estezids and Estezids, Athlete and journalists – This is more effective in my brain and body. Dealers.
My self-inking process was fully changing, so it is unnecessary extravagant to fall as a drug addict. From the first day to the first day, when I killed my gray cells, I murdered my gray cells, and accepting the relationship with Levira and succeeded. Later, I refused to rejoice in drinking of the impact, but alcohol is available at any time everywhere. Suddenly the gas stations were well -stocked liquor stores, and there were small car accessories, washer fluid, cigarettes and sweets. Don’t have to buy alcohol than buying it with a big attempt. Alcohol, the worst beer from the worst beer, except the varieties of vegetables, chickets, fisheries, fisheries, fishshop and sausages many times. The city is a fishereta in the city, two products with animal products, and maybe even three products I even multiply.
In those years, everyone drank: From thin beer to pathetic wathers, lies shampayne, sweet liquor, Hisuly Vodka, Hissure Vodka, Asilus, Any Whote. During the initial staff from the initial staff of Headows, the people and need to be passed among the people who passed among the people passed among the people passed among people. Don’t mean they’re still drunk, they did not mean “a little drunk”, “smallly built”. They rarely arrive in nurseries, rarely arrived, do not have to sign up for psychotherapy. O God, take it! Since psychotherapy takes possession of psychotherapy, some compromise is more compromising than the fiat of someone is caught in your mouth. They pitched alcohol, drunk a stair for breakfast, drunk small bottle for dinner, drunk the wine, and the evening they made it oral from Vodkaki. They are beautiful calorie, swelling, falling, sweatlessness, unselfish emptiness, but can work. Of course, sometimes I started losing their sight. They slowly flowed slowly, but not to change it to this place, where the current is suddenly drawn and falls into a waterfall. I expected to start to go to their premises soon, but only two more friends were drunk to die, and, and still, too, too, and still alive.
I, if you want to know, I drunk dropping alcohol after trying for a little successful. In my case, I saw alcohol as a powerful depressive, as a glass of wine, I saw that a glass of wine, I saw my cheapest funeral behavior along with heavy rains and on the mud.
One day I would tell you about my childhood, and it wasn’t the protection as yours. Although I don’t complain, it will be embarrassing to complain, millions of children grew in tingent and parents.
Let’s go home, you’ve already chuckled, and you last took poop for the last time, the unfortunate madness. We will go later, now you should rest, take a tablet and take two.
I have, flavors, flavors and debris, so I have my raplund and hydrxis so don’t judge me very easily. People are remembered as the era of people full of complaints and needs, and the same time is evaluating others according to their strict quality.
I began to have rilanium and hydrxisine Only after divorceWhen I released myself from Levira, the biggest ambition to be a higher education, she gave it a lot of effort and mantle. Being emotionally enthusiasts and clinical madronomy will be the boundary of the reality, and the darkness of the rationalism will lose your smell in manipulation. In your eyes, you advance in your eyes and your front, it is the infinite desert of loneliness, however, becomes a mixture of excessively heated brain.
A new novel by the new novel ‘laughing dog “appears in the Black Publisa