
Reduction in 1 to 2 degrees Celsius in the country

Regarding the arrival of the rainforest to the country, Sadak Jian said: Thursday (March 6) is predicted by the rainfall system, snow and rain, temporary heavy wind, snowfall and some of the western provinces and some of the country’s southern parts. Lightning is expected in the southern regions.

He continued: Friday and Saturday (March 1), Caspian, Sanjan, Caswin, Tehran, Alfors, Artephil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermansha, Hamed, Hamde, Markasi, Lorastan, Ilam, Ilam, Ilam, Ilam . Is expected.

The President of the National Center, Caspian, Sanjan, Kaswin, Tehran, Alfors, Artephil, East Asarbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermansha, Heim, Heiman, Heiman, Heiman, Heiman , Heiman Central, Loreston, The Northern Guardian, Saharmahaal Bhaktiri, Gokiluye and Boyer Ahmad Provinces, Semanan, Northern Coloson, Korasan, Korasan, Korasan, Korasan, Korasan, Korasan, Southern Corasan and the Northern Half of Fars are occurring.

Commenting on rain in the middle of next week, Jian said: “Monday (March 6), the northwest, north coast, northeast, and the southern slopes of Alfors, southern Kerman and some parts of Baluchistan.”

He explained the decline in the country’s temperature: From Thursday to Sunday (March 1-8), Northwest, West and Caspian Coast Guard and Monday and Monday (March 1) Reduced to 2 degrees.

The President of the National Center for Forecasting and Management Crisis said: “On Sundays and Mondays, in the eastern half, the central regions, the southern slopes of the Alfors, are predicted in areas where heavy windmill sports dust.”

“The Caspian Sea is raging from Thursday to Sunday,” he said.

The National Center’s Chairperson said to predict and manage the weather crisis in Tehran over the next two days, Tehran’s sky tomorrow (March 6), cloudy, air exercise and at least 2 ° C and Saturday (March 6), at least 2 ° C and Saturday (March 6), a few hours of blizzard. Sometimes thunderstorms and high winds are predicted with maximum temperature and minimum temperature with 1 ° C.

In conclusion, Jian said: Tomorrow (March 6), Bandar Abbas with temperatures and 2 degrees Celsius, respectively, the cooler and hottest centers of the province respectively.


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